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6 Tips to Prepare For Fall Nights Out

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

Although temperatures outside may be dropping, there’s no reason why you still can’t enjoy a night out and still be sizzling hot! In order to fully have fun with your friends at the hottest clubs and restaurants, you have to feel comfortable with what you’re wearing and how you’re wearing it. Here are some tips that have helped me and may help you achieve the best fall night looks for you!

1. Leggings
Tights and leggings are essential for staying warm when going out. They don’t have to be those bland, opaque, or dark fall colors like black, green auburn. Popular colors that are in style this season are reds, yellows and oranges. Although these colors may be perfect for tops, jackets, and accessories, take a risk and wear them on your legs! Also, leggings can be sheer or have designs – floral tights have yet to be completely taboo. To add some edge to your classic fall look, try tearing or putting holes in them. Keep it classy though; don’t go overboard and end up looking like you’re going to a grunge fest when you’re really going to a fancy club.

2. Shoes
If you’re walking along the Richmond streets, you know how dangerous it can be while wearing flat shoes. Heels add a whole new danger to the seemingly simple art of walking. If you know you’re going to be doing a lot of walking but still want to keep your heels on hand, try bringing along flats, footies, or flip flops that will fit in your purse. Those with clutches shouldn’t fret! Footzyrolls are these affordable, flat shoes that roll up and fit in almost any size bag. They’re sure to be useful when you have somewhere important to go, but have to travel along Richmond’s cobblestone or uneven sidewalks to get there.

3. Dresses
The usual trends of color-blocking, lace, and shimmer are still in style, but classic fashions from the 70s, and earlier, are coming back. You want to accentuate your waistline and create a curvy look, just like the women of the past did. Ethnic patterns, such as tribal and oriental patterns, are also still frequently worn. Not only are ethnic patterns still hot but sheer dresses have become increasingly popular. But now that fall weather has set in, be sure to throw a dressy blouse or jacket atop your sheer look at night to remain fashionable and warm.

4. Accessories
Even though the night gets dark, you should still be seen! Don’t be afraid to make a statement with your jewelry. To accentuate your plunging neckline, add a bold necklace or collar. Also keep your wrist adorned with large, shapely pieces – this is another, less obvious, way to stay warm. Solid, bright, colorful, and sparkling jewelry will definitely add a noticeable shine to your fall night out.

5. Hair
Updo it yourself! Whether they’re pinned, puffed, curled, gelled, braided or twisted up, updos are protective styles that allow your face to be the center of attention. They also can be done creatively, leaving room for multiple styles achieving a similar look. Updos are also good for those times when you just want to dance the night away without worrying about whether your hair has fallen or been sweated out. Pulling the hair back into ponytails or buns can also achieve those effects. Those who don’t want to put their hair up or back and want natural looks can try wearing their hair in afros. Popular ways to achieve this look include braid-outs, twist-outs, flat twist-outs, and picking.  A great site to check out is www.curlynikki.com to find definitions and examples of those methods. Additionally, anyone who is need of natural hair advice should visit www.naturallycurly.com for great ideas and tips.

6. Makeup
The most popular make-up look this fall has been the “nude look”. 
It focuses on attenuating onefeature, such as your lips, eyes, or cheeks. The runways have been filled with dark lips, bushy eyebrows, smoky eyes, hefty eyeliner, and orange shadows. It is still almost always just one of those features per model which is highlighted. Having your face be subtle with just one pop leaves more to the imagination.

Mymy Dinh is a graduate of Virginia Commonwealth University, pursuing a career in pharmacy. Born on January 20, 1992, she is the second oldest out of 5 children. She is also majoring in science with a double minor in chemistry and biology. She enjoys volunteer work, being around her family, organizing desks and rooms, shopping, meeting new people, and traveling.