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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

Some people really seem to hate Valentines Day. I don’t fully understand why, to be honest. I have nothing against the holiday myself. However, I’ve found that more often than not, friends of mine who feel this way tend to spend the holiday making themselves miserable. They generally explain it as not liking the societal reliance on stereotypical romance.

I’m not completely sure what other aspects have caused the hatred but I believe that everyone has an equal right to enjoy this holiday. Here are some random and (hopefully) useful ways of spending your time during Valentines Day if you dislike the holiday but don’t want to spend your time sulking about it. 

Self Love

Self-care, regardless of whether or not it’s for a special occasion, is always a good thing to implement. I get the feeling that one of the main reasons why people may lean towards disliking Valentine’s Day would be that they disagree with the intense focus on romantic relationships. However, there is nothing in the rules that says Valentines Day can’t include love of a different nature.

Of course, this includes platonic love but it also may be self-focused. I completely agree that no one should have to feel like they should rely on another person in order to be truly happy. So, this Valentine’s Day, take the night to yourself. Avoid the romantic bustle and the excessive number of hand-holding couples crowding the streets and surrounding restaurants. Save the money that you would otherwise probably have spent on an overpriced meal and do what truly makes you happy. In fact, it is perfectly feasible and recommended that you include the more pleasant aspects of the holiday into your night of self-focused fun. Eat some chocolate, put on a movie (romantic or otherwise), apply a face mask, and have a “Netflix and Chill” night on your own.

Be Productive

Regardless of whether you are a student, a full or part-time employee, or a stay home mom/dad, chances are there is always a bit of work that needs to be done. Finish up the homework that you’ve been procrastinating on for so long. Draft and send that email to your boss finally requesting a raise. Stop delaying the inevitable cleaning of various household rooms and endless laundry that you’ve been putting off since the beginning of the week.

There’s nothing wrong with not wanting to actively support or participate in Valentine’s Day, but why not do something for yourself at the same time. I’m sure you’d wake up the next morning feeling much more productive and happy.

Go on an Unusual Date

Thus far in the list, all the activities have been more for those who are single. However, having a significant other doesn’t necessarily mean that you are required to celebrate or be a fan of Valentine’s Day. If this is the case, but you also don’t want to just blow off your partner or fully participate in the holiday while succumbing to the societal focus on stereotypical romance, then I suggest taking a trip to a more unusual date location. For example, if you or your partner enjoy museums and just happen to be passing through France, check out the Paris Sewer Museum, an educational exhibit detailing the underground sewers and their functions in the famed city.

If this doesn’t sound particularly sanitary or enjoyable, try dropping by the Museum of Broken Relationships in Zagreb, Croatia. And if you do manage to drag your partner along and they find it as ironic and entertaining as you, perhaps then it was meant to be.

Galentines Day

Recently, I feel that Galentine’s Day has become a non-official official thing and it normally takes place the day before or after Valentines Day. However, if you and your friends happen to have the same negative view of its more romance focused counterpart, then perhaps you could band together in your mutual dislike and fully replace the holiday on February 14. Think of it as a non-official official takeover. Make a brunch out of it, dress up, love each other and enjoy yourself.

Completely Ignore It

Finally, if you find yourself completely unable to overcome your dislike of Valentines Day, you do have the option of completely and utterly ignoring it. However, keep in mind that if you do this you must fully commit. Expressing your continued disdain of the holiday and thus explaining your refusal to do anything in celebration will most likely result in your being miserable. In order to avoid this, cook yourself a nice meal, watch a tv show, take a nap and read a good book (not necessarily in that order). Distraction is key in this stage of the game. As the title of this article suggests, don’t sulk, simply distract distract distract.

Although there are many more ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day, these are a few good options for those that aren’t necessarily a fan of the holiday. Although this should apply to all times of the year, make sure to enjoy yourself this February 14! Valentine’s Day is about love and joy, and you should be no exception!

Emma Ostenfeld is currently a Junior at Virginia Commonwealth University studying psychology. She is interested in creative (or any other form) of writing and has joined Her Campus in order to improve her skills and experience in this field. Originally from NOVA, she loves everything about living in Richmond Except that she had to leave her three cats at home and misses them dearly. She loves her friends but is enough of an introvert that alone time is a necessity for the sake of her mental health and the sanity of those around her. She is an extreme foodie and always appreciates any restaurant recommendations.
Keziah is a writer for Her Campus. She is majoring in Fashion Design with a minor in Fashion Merchandising. HCXO!