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11 Tips for Studying for Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

Finals are approaching, which means it’s basically time to study your days away. Studying for finals is always overwhelming, but there are ways to make it a bit more bearable. Here a few tips for studying for finals:


1. Make sure you’re caffeinated and awake

Without caffeine and a good amount of sleep, most of us are mediocre at best. Get a good night’s sleep for studying and stock up on your coffee.


2. Take a break every now and then

Don’t overwhelm and exhaust yourself by studying constantly. Make sure to take a break every once in a while to refresh so you don’t drive yourself crazy.


3. Make your own study guides or flashcards

Essentially you’ve already started studying by making a study guide or set of flashcards for your final. You’re already ahead of the game and all of your information you need is in one place.


4. Start studying at least five or six days before your final

Don’t wait till the last minute to start studying for your final. You can’t comprehend and memorize all of that information as quick as you think. Give yourself a head start so you won’t be hopeless on test day.


5. Listen to upbeat/motivating music

By listening to upbeat or motivating music, you’re gearing yourself up to get through a study session. Listening to this type of music while studying late at night can also keep you awake and focused.


6. Go to the library as much as possible

The library is the perfect studying environment. With everyone focused and working around you, you have no choice but to do the same. Bring all of your studying materials and snack and get to work.


7. Study in groups or a buddy

Form a study group or find a study buddy from your class and join forces to defeat the final. Motivate and help each other understand the material to prepare.


8. Take a disco nap to refresh your mind and eyes

Disco naps are perfect for finals, set your alarm for 15-30 minutes of uninterrupted slumber. When you wake up your mind and your eyes will be refreshed and ready to study again.


9. Have a couple different study spots and switch it up

It’s always a good idea to have a couple of different study spots, switch it up during the week. A new environment to study in is always stimulating instead of the same old place every day.


10. Study in the order of your finals

Order the way you study by the order of your exams. Obviously your first exam is top priority.


11. Have incentives for yourself

Make incentives for yourself so you have something to look forward to have studying. Whether it be Netflix, junk food, Starbucks, or a nap; make sure to treat yourself for working hard.


These tips will help you be successful in your information cramming for finals as well as keep you sane. Just remember, after finals is summer vacation. Study hard collegiettes! 

Ashley is a Senior at Virginia Commmonwealth University majoring in mass communications concentrating in print & online journalism. She is the Senior Editor for Her Campus at VCU and a member of the Society of Professional Journalists at VCU. She is an avid coffee drinker, dog lover and dreamer. She hopes to one day be a reporter for a newspaper, magazine, or an online version of the two.
Keziah is a writer for Her Campus. She is majoring in Fashion Design with a minor in Fashion Merchandising. HCXO!