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10 Struggles of Someone Who Plans Ahead

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

As a college student, it’s necessary to plan and prioritize so you don’t go crazy, but some people like to plan more than others. If you’re a planner, you like your planner filled up and knowing about events way in advance. You always know what’s coming up for your week and you find yourself there to remind others. Being a planner isn’t always easy because life is unpredictable and things happen that you can’t control. Here are 10 struggles that come with being someone who plans ahead:  

1. You can’t stand last minute plans.

When last minute plans arise, it throws off your entire schedule. You wonder why the person who came up with the last minute plans didn’t think of it sooner. You like to know everything that’s happening and why it’s happening. You aren’t very spontaneous and like to have your day already planned out.

2. You despise surprises.

When someone tells you they have a surprise for you, your mind goes into a thought ridden frenzy. The person planning a surprise needs to at least give you a hint. You hate getting caught off-guard.

3. You don’t know how to “go with the flow.”

Some people go through their day and just accept what happens, but not you. When something unexpected happens, you have trouble adapting. You had other plans in mind, and all you can think about is how you aren’t getting things done.

4. You hate indecisive people.

When people can’t decide what they want, you almost want to decide for them. You think ahead, whether it comes to ordering at Starbucks or thinking of where to meet someone, you already know when the time comes. You can’t comprehend why people can’t come to a decision.

5. You constantly say your plans out loud which makes people think you’re crazy.

You go over your plans out loud and talk to yourself to ensure your plans, even in public. It sounds something like: “Okay so I have to do this, then that, and that.” People might think you’re crazy, but going over your plans to yourself keeps you sane.

6. You always have to check your plans with friends.

You love making plans to hang out with your friends, but you always have to check that your plans will follow through. People cancel last minute or forget about plans, so you always text them to make sure your plans are on and/or to remind them about your plans together.

7. You lose your mind when you get sick.

Life happens and you get sick. Sadly, you aren’t invincible. Getting sick is the worst because it throws off your whole schedule. You have to cancel some plans and you can’t stand being unproductive. Being sick was NOT in your plans.

8. You have to make a to-do list every day.

You make a to-do list for everyday so you can plan your day accordingly. You know exactly what your day entails and what you have to accomplish. Without your daily to-do list, you’d go crazy.

9. People call you a “control freak.”

You like having control in certain aspects of your life; maybe too much control. Other people tend to label you as a “control freak.” You like to have control over how your day goes, even though that’s not realistic.

10. You don’t like feeling like you’ve wasted time.

Having your time wasted is a great way to make you overly frustrated. You can’t stop thinking about what you could be doing with your wasted time.

Planning ahead gives you a sense of relief in your active college life. Having your calendar, planner and mind in sync makes things a bit easier. Planning ahead saves you time in the long run and saves you from having an infamous college breakdown. Plan ahead, collegiettes!


Ashley is a Senior at Virginia Commmonwealth University majoring in mass communications concentrating in print & online journalism. She is the Senior Editor for Her Campus at VCU and a member of the Society of Professional Journalists at VCU. She is an avid coffee drinker, dog lover and dreamer. She hopes to one day be a reporter for a newspaper, magazine, or an online version of the two.
Keziah is a writer for Her Campus. She is majoring in Fashion Design with a minor in Fashion Merchandising. HCXO!