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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

We all love fall. The once burning pavement has cooled and the colors of the world have changed from a shocking green to a warm auburn. There are so many amazing things about this season to be thankful for. Here are 10 of the best things about fall and sweater weather. 

1. Hoodies

It’s called “sweater weather” for a reason. You can now ditch the fancy tank tops and blouses and throw on that oversized hoodie hiding in your closet. They go with everything and are extremely comfortable.

2. Thanksgiving

Who doesn’t love stuffing their face with too much food surrounded by their loved ones? Thanksgiving also marks the beginning of the holiday season which means that Christmas and Hanukkah are around the corner.

3. PSL (Pumpkin Spice Latte)

Everyone and their grandmother enjoys these delicious pumpkin drinks from Starbucks. They are only available during this season so get them while you can.


(Me waiting for Starbucks to announce year-round PSL’s)

4. The breeze

Finally! I can enjoy being outside without worrying about my skin burning up and getting all sweaty in a matter of seconds. That cool breeze is your best friend when going for jogs and lounging about in your hoodies.

5. Caramel everything

Caramel apples, salted caramel, chocolate covered caramels, need I go on? All of your favorite sweet treats are finally back in season. We all know they taste so much better in the crisp air.

6. Pumpkin patches

Now you can go and trace through a corn maze or carve a brand-new overly priced pumpkin! You can take photos with your best friends, co-workers, family and pets under the calm fall sun.


7. Fresh apples

The best feeling is knowing that the apples you are buying at the supermarket are fresh. These puppies are in season which means they go straight from the tree to your hands. The lack of preservatives is not only healthier but they taste hecka lot better. You can also get pick your own at an apple orchard whilst taking cute pictures for Insta. 

8. Halloween

If you are a Halloween fanatic like me, you’ll understand why this is one of the best things about the fall. You get to dress up and eat too much candy. Adorable little kids run around on sugar rushes and adults are dressed in nostalgic costumes. It’s fun for everyone!

9. No more shaving your legs

Now that it is too cold to wear shorts, you can break out your skinny jeans and leggings and never touch a razor to your legs. Shhh, it’s our little secret!

10. Beanies

Beanies can make any outfit cute and they are great to throw over messy hair. There are unlimited beanie styles and colors. 

Now go jump in some leaves!


Photo Credits: Pexels, Giphy, Chelsea Schmidt Photography

Mary McLean (nee Moody) is an avid writer and the Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus at VCU. She is currently double majoring in Political Science and History at Virginia Commonwealth University. She has published three novels and is working on her fourth. She loves her cats Sully and Remy and will always mention them in every conversation. You can find her looking at memes all night and chugging KickStart in the morning with her husband.
Keziah is a writer for Her Campus. She is majoring in Fashion Design with a minor in Fashion Merchandising. HCXO!