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No Rain, No Shine Because I Didn’t Have a Valentine… So What?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Vanderbilt chapter.

Valentine’s Day didn’t go ask you expected? Flowers were dead? Boyfriend didn’t plan anything? Your secret crush never got the hint?

 Oh what a tangled web we weave, placing value on a day that is the same as any other. Granted, Americans have a tendency to make the holiday a big deal. You can’t seem to run from the pink and red decorations, the sugary desserts, and the special valentine’s discounts. I mean they are EVERYWHERE. And yet, with the right state of mind, these things should not even concern you. God blessed you with breath this morning, hopefully you are healthy, and if you are following me right now, YOU CAN READ! Three reasons right there to smile.

Of course, I am speaking from the point of view of someone who received a Valentine’s Day gift, but hey, there were plenty of years where I didn’t get anything. I look at it like this, why bother worrying yourself over just one day of the year? It is 2012 ladies, we must get it together! Here’s how you can move past a V-day fail.


1. Get a tissue and get over it!


Life is too short! Stress is useless.

 2. If you did not receive anything because of a fear of rejection.. WOMAN UP!


Life IS NOT a perfectly little manufactured box of chocolates! MAN UP! Be proud of the woman you are, take a stand, and honey, go get your man!

 3. Look inside of your self!




Women, these days you have to be able to say, “I AM BEAUTIFUL!” Waiting on the words of a male is pathetic! Do not be degraded to his games- you are not a toy and your life is not his playing field.
So do a mental recap over all of this ladies, and let us try and do better :)

Jessica Pawlarczyk is a junior at Vanderbilt University where she is majoring in Sociology and Spanish. Besides Her Campus, Jessica is involved in newspaper, APO service fraternity, math tutoring and youth mentoring. She enjoys playing tennis, reading Jodi Picoult novels and finding new "pins" for her Pinterest page in her spare time. Jessica is incredibly excited to be a part of the Her Campus team!