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Make the Most of College by Joining a Campus Org!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Vanderbilt chapter.

College is what you make it. Attending college can be a very enriching experience, but it can also be a rather dull, stressful one for people who are all work and no play. One can play by partying, but there is also a more productive form of play: joining student organizations on your campus. Not only would this help you meet wonderful new people, but it would give you outlets for your interests and help you develop new interests.

  1. Join at least one performance organization. Performing in front of your peers is a great way to gain confidence. Join that sports team, dance team, juggling team, etc. that you always wanted to join. If you never wanted to join a performance organization, step outside of your comfort zone to join one. You will not regret it.  
  2. Join at least one service organization. As human beings we are all connected, and none of us would be where we are without the help of others. Therefore, it is important to help others whenever the opportunity presents itself. Join a service fraternity, do an alternative break, or join any organization that does community service.
  3. Join an organization that prepares you for the career you wish to attain. Pre-law and pre-med organizations are great examples. However, the list does not stop there. Actively seek out the organization that can best prepare you for your future endeavors. 
  4. Go Greek. Do this only if you wish to. Do not join a sorority or fraternity because you feel that it is expected of you or because you think you will not have a social life if you do not. Also, do your research. Know about which organization you want to join and why. This could be a great experience to combine many great aspects of being a college student. You could gain sisters/brothers while doing service and performing in some instances.
  5. Join an organization that pushes for social justice. As stated earlier, we are all connected. In the words of the great, late Martin Luther King, Jr., “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” If your university does not have an organization that pushes for social justice, do not fear. That brings me to my next point.
  6. Start your own organization. This can be a very exciting thing to do. In fact, I am in the process of doing it myself. This may be more difficult for students who attend universities that already have hundreds of organizations. However, it is definitely possible. Gather your board members and advisors, and write out that constitution! 
  7. Actually be active in your organizations. I know many people wish to join organizations so they can build resumes. That is totally fine, but you should be willing to put forth the effort to pursue the organizations’ missions, especially if you have a leadership position. Do the right thing.
Jessica Pawlarczyk is a junior at Vanderbilt University where she is majoring in Sociology and Spanish. Besides Her Campus, Jessica is involved in newspaper, APO service fraternity, math tutoring and youth mentoring. She enjoys playing tennis, reading Jodi Picoult novels and finding new "pins" for her Pinterest page in her spare time. Jessica is incredibly excited to be a part of the Her Campus team!