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Erik ’15

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Vanderbilt chapter.
Name: Erik
Middle name: Roland
Hometown: Huntley, Illinois
Campus activities: I work as a research assistant in the medical center, and am a member of Delta Tau Delta
Major: biology (I think – undecided at heart)
What is your sign?: Libra
Relationship status: Single
Who is your celebrity crush?: Kimberly Perry of the Band Perry
How will you be spending your valentines day?: Watching chick-flicks on Netflix while eating an ungodly amount of Ben and Jerry’s. Possible crying, I haven’t decided yet.
Who’s your best friend?: According to MTV’s match machine that honor goes to former Vandy student Jordan Wood
How many siblings do you have: One. I mean two…sorry Craig
Cats or dogs? And why?: Dogs because dogs are just the best…I don’t think I need any more reason that that
Favorite animal: Coral
Favorite color: “Blue is one of them, I have so many favorite colors”
What is your best attribute?: Sometimes people laugh when I say things, so probably that. Oh and my hair!
How do you do your hair?: my hair looks sexy pushed back
Fun fact: I know the entire script of good burger by heart
Fun fact: Expert storyteller
If I gave you fifty bucks what would you spend it on?: Lottery tickets
What’s your jam?: I’m into country music, but Promiscuous by Nelly Furtado is my most played song on iTunes so
Favorite TV show: Survivor
What is your dream?: To be on reality TV (already applied to five)
Top three man crushes: Jay Cutler, Boston Rob (of survivor), Bobby Flay
If you could be anyone else who would you be: Jay Cutler