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10 Things That’ll Get You in the Christmas Spirit This Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Vanderbilt chapter.

1. Friends and Family: Above all, Christmas spirit is about being surrounded with the people you love. To me, the people bring the happiness and warm fuzzy feeling we all look forward to during the holidays.

2. Really Good Food: Christmas is simply not complete without delicious smells wafting around the house and a happy stomach at the end of the night. This food doesn’t even have to be traditional holiday food, just anything that can warm the body and soul!

3. Christmas Music: It can be anytime of the year, but the moment Christmas music comes on, I get hit with all the holiday nostalgia. Holiday music never fails to put the spirit into me.

4. Holiday Lights: When I picture the perfect Christmas night, I imagine a snowy city with string lights criss-crossing the roads. I even have string lights in my dorm to keep myself in the mood year-round!

5. Baked Goods: My mom always bakes during the holidays, and the smell of warm, fudgy brownies or chocolate chip cookies is a must-have during Christmas!

6. Scented Candles: Honestly, anything that’s warm and smells good can put me in the holiday mood. I like scented candles because they come in a large variety of holiday scents!

7. Roasted Chestnuts: It’s a tradition to eat roasted chestnuts during Christmas, so this is another holiday biggie for me!

8. Any Spiced Drink: Who doesn’t crave a hot chocolate, pumpkin spice latte, or eggnog during this time of year? I sure do!

9. Shopping: Christmas to me is a time of giving. Gifts are a must, and so is shopping. Plus, seeing shopping malls all decked out in red and green really puts me in the mood as well.

10. Oversized Sweaters: We need to be comfortable and cozy during the holidays, and nothing screams warm and cozy more than a soft, oversized, knit sweater.

Eryn Lin

Vanderbilt '21

Economics major, Business and Chinese Culture & Language minor "People will forget what you said, forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." -Maya Angelou