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The Top 6 Study Tips You Probably Don’t Use, But Should

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

Uh-oh, it’s that time of the year. The time where you cram so much information in your head, the last thing you remember is your name. The time where your attire suddenly goes from hobo-chic to just plain hobo. The time where the due date for that fifteen-page paper you thought you had plenty of time to do is actually just a few days away. Everyone dreads midterms.

Unfortunately, many of us college students study for exams completely wrong. We allow our phones and computers to distract us, pull all-nighters, and procrastinate, none of which do the mind or body any good.  So, listed below are 6 study tips that’ll get you prepared for those exams and an ‘A’ as a result!

Study Tip #1

Don’t cram!

We hear this often, whether it’s from our professors or even our parents, but it is probably one of the best pieces of advice ever given to a college student. Studying days (or even a week) before an exam is a definite must, not only because it prevents last minute cramming but it also makes life so much easier. We stress about a dozen things already as students, so why not prevent stressing over an exam by taking at least 30 minutes to an hour out of the day to review the information? Short, repetitive periods of studying are often considered to be more efficient than lengthy periods of cramming.

Study Tip #2

Choose different settings.

Sitting in your room or cooping yourself up in the library with your head buried in the thickest book ever created can get extremely boring and tiresome. Our environments are sometimes the reason why retaining information can become so difficult. Try alleviating that boredom by switching it up. Sit on the front lawn, go to a friend’s house, or find a spot at Books-A-Million. There are dozens of places to go and study. Memory is associated with location and changing your study environments increases the likelihood of recalling what you’ve learned.

Study Tip #3

Discover your learning style.

Some individuals swear by colored notecards and some believe in using mnemonic devices. The beauty of being an individual is that we do things differently from one another and that includes learning. While some people are auditory learners, there are some that are visual learners. Find out what works for you. Read aloud your notes as you review or use whiteboards and colored markers to help itemize key points. Everyone has a different learning style. Get to know yours and stick with it.

Study Tip #4

Form a study group.

The saying is true: Two (or more) heads are better than one and what better way to study than with someone who’s in the same class as you? Establish a partnership with a few of your studious classmates and watch the workload decrease off your shoulders as you all divide up the work evenly. Creating study groups can also aid with understanding difficult course material and topics!

Study Tip #5

Take breaks.

The brain can only take so much information at a time, so don’t forget to take regular breaks! Watch a little television, phone a friend, or go for a run. Just remember to come back to your study session!

Study Tip #6

Remain motivated.

Remember the reason why you’re putting in all of this hard work, whether it’s for your own personal reasons, to make family members proud, for that career you’re working towards, or all of the above! Even visualizing all of the positive outcomes is enough to remain optimistic. Affirmations can go a long way. Leave sticky notes of encouraging quotes on your wall, mirror, or door. Write yourself a positive letter and read it right before your exam. The key is to stay positive!

There are dozens of ways to get your study on but hopefully adding at least one of these tips to your study regimen can further help you achieve the grade you desire!

Her Campus at Valdosta State.