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So You Cheated… Now What?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

So you just cheated on your partner. Whether it was the first time or the fourth time, you still cheated. Now what? There are a couple of approaches to moving forward on how to handle this type of situation. My advice to you is to take the one that best feels right for you and your relationship.

1. Simply just move forward like the cheating never happened

Yeah I know, it’s a douche move. Try to figure out why you did what you did, and if you can promise yourself you will never cheat again then just move on like nothing ever happened. A lot of people may say that you should come clean to your partner, but sometimes honesty does more harm than good.

2. Breakup

There’s a reason why you cheated. Whether you weren’t ready for a relationship or you were just simply over the current one you’re in… there was a reason. And no, your reason was not an excuse to cheat, but it’s why you did what you did. If you’re not ready for a relationship or don’t like the one you’re in now, it’s time to do the thing you should’ve done before you cheated… breakup. And with that breakup you can probably…

3. Come clean

If the guilt of cheating is eating you away then you should tell your partner. Granted, it won’t be easy. There will be anger, there will tears, and there will be lots of resentment. But this whole coming clean doesn’t just have to be with a breakup. You and your partner can work things out. Now, that definitely won’t be easy, but if you guys aren’t willing to end your relationship, then overcoming and working through this is the best solution.


I'm Jessie Thomas, a junior in college. I'm a fun loving girl who loves music and fashion! Someday I hope to be successful in the entertainment industry.
Her Campus at Valdosta State.