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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

Hey beautiful ladies!

Let’s be honest: When you wake up, what’s the first thing you do? If you’re the majority of millennials, you would’ve said you check your phone. There’s nothing wrong with that… or is it? Can you remember the time when you didn’t check your phone after waking up? Yeah, me either sis. I can admit: I’m addicted to my phone. I reach around for it when I wake up. I take it with me to the bathroom. I pull it out just to check the time (watches are still a thing, please go buy one). I pull it out just because. It’s an annoying habit, but it’s a habit that has developed and it’s one that’ll be extremely hard to shake. 


But, why though? I’ve only had a phone for the past seven years, and before then, I was left to face the world at face value. Now, I’ve become dependent on my phone to communicate, and I’ve developed a mild case of social anxiety because of it. 

When it comes to social media, it’s our way of either amplifying or giving ourselves voices. It’s also a perfect way to keep in touch with distant friends and family. While that’s cool and all, let’s admit that we can let social media consume us to the point where we overthink how well something will perform or whether or not that one person will see it. Remember, at one point, we never lived like this. 


So y’all know me; always giving y’all some bullet points on something.

Here are some pros and cons of social media.




  • Social media is a nice way to keep in touch with your family/friends. Whether you’re in the next city or next state over, social media keeps you updated with the ones you love. Some people are a-okay withnot keeping in touch this way, but the option is there…so why not use it? Of course, if you have nosy/chatty relatives who monitor your every move, this could be a bust. Nonetheless, this is a very valid reason to have social media. 


This also ties into meeting people in general. While ‘catfishing’ is still a thing, social media can definitely be used to find new people. I’m all for it, just be smart about it. Don’t rely too much on it to where you can’t speak in public, ‘cause that’s not cute. That relationship probably won’t last too long.


  • We all know that news spreads faster on social media than television, so that’s a plus. Of course, this can be seen as a con simply because the “news” could be false, turning it into a rumor. If you live under a rock like me, I don’t have cable nor do I avidly watch any streaming sites, so social media is the only way I can be informed on anything new or popular. As long as I have a good WiFi signal and my phone bill is paid, I’m good and relatively current.
  • Do you have an online business? Well social media is literally your best friend. BRANDING, MY GOOD SISTERS. If you’re going this route, then this is a no brainer. We live in this day and age where social media RUNS the world. While we have a lot of online businesses that use the same vendors and same products (no tea no shade), there are many who provide excellent services that we would’ve never thought of, and we have social media to thank for the promotion


Okay, and now for those lovely cons.



  • While social media can be cool, it can really take a hit on your self-esteem. Ladies, wouldn’t you agree that when you see a fellow girlie dolled up and pretty 24/7 on Instagram, for example, you question your own image and then feel a little off? I’m not talking to you overly confident women, but to the ones with moderate confidence… it kinda hits differently. Yes, you can definitely feel that same energy when you’re out in public, but seeing it non-stop on social media can really dim your light. Take it easy, ‘cause you are worth it.
  • DRAMA. Okay so…THISis definitely a no brainer. Drama has no age limit nor maturity level; it’s everywhere. Once drama hits social media, it’s concrete; there is no going back. Yes, you can delete posts, but screenshotting is a thing, and you definitely can’t deny a screenshot. The best way to avoid drama is… well, for one not start any, but to also not have social media. This opens door to many people’s downfall, and we’re all about moving forward prospering, am I right ladies? If you have an issue, take it to a therapist, family member or even a friend who doesn’t mind you venting. Social media can definitely hurt you in this aspect.


  • Have you ever been on social media so much that you lost track of time? Sure you have. This is a good reason why social media is a detriment to our every day lives. Since this is Her Campus, social media has definitely taken us away from our studies, assignments, and all-around college experience. You can’t tell me I’m lying. We all need to escape from constant 11:59s and study sessions, but we can’t lose track of those things, especially when it’s crunch time. Just remember, all things are good in moderation.


It was hard making this list because I’m enslaved by my phone, and it’s hard to communicate without it. A rude awakening. Hope these pros and cons help you sort through whether or not you abuse social media or not!


With love + pros + cons,

-Marissa Auriell



Dom Pollard

Valdosta '22

Dom is a sophomore, majoring in Interdisciplinary Studies with concentrations in African American Studies and Sociology. They plan on doing work in either education, activism, film, or all three. They are a queer individual who speaks their mind and provides love + other elements to bring perspective to HERCampus Valdosta. HCXO!
Her Campus at Valdosta State.