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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

 Body shaming is definetly not okay, nor is it acceptable. 2016 was an important year in plus size girl history. Ashley Graham became the first plus side model to appear on the cover of Sports Illustrated Magazine. This shows bigger girls are slowly being accepted for their beauty in the fashion industry. And Zendaya is defintely here for it. A girl on twitter by the username @_illestCee is a gorgeous plus size girl, who is liked by many people because of her AMAZING selfies. Not only is she a natural beauty, but her makeup skills are something else. 

The girl who goes by the name “Honey Dip“, was body shamed by a a boy on twitter this past weekend.  He posted a selfie picture of Honey Dip next to a full body picture of herself and said “Never trust a half posting a** female.” Many people came to her defense and clapbacked at the twitter hater. Zendaya even came to bat for her! “Stumbling across this is stupid s**t.”


Zendaya continued to tweet Honey Dip and even offered her the chance of a lifetime! “Can we find her @…. I’d love her to be a dayabyzendaya model.” She was offered to be a model for Zendaya’s clothing line and ended up on Teen Vogue Magazine!  Plus size girls are becoming more accepted and seen for the beautiful girls we are. Instead of hating lets begin to uplift each other to our full potential. Her twitter page shows she has many friends and supporters including myself. Follow her on her twiter and instagram: _illestCee. Beauty is not measuered in pounds, be positive people!













Erin Turner is originally from Los Angeles, California. She attends Valdosta State University as an english/journalism major. Her dream is to become an editor for a hip hop magazine. She enjoys listening to jazz and rap, reading magazines, and being around family. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram: wsstco
Her Campus at Valdosta State.