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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

During Nicki Minaj’s New York Times interview she gracefully slayed black feminism. She was able to bring up several important issues in society and the entertainment business. As a pro-black feminist her interview is a piece of art. Her commentary about Miley Cyrus, Meek Mill vs Drake, and Lil Wayne vs Birdman single-handedly brought cultural appropriation and the treatment of women in the media to the forefront. She spoke about why she called out Miley Cyrus during the MTV Video Music Awards. 

 Her reasoning is logical and understandable. Miley loves black culture more than she likes black people. 

It is a popular belief in the black community that if society loved black people as much as it loves black culture black communities would not be facing some of the problems it faces today. Cyrus is guilty of appropriating and exploiting black culture without understanding the hardships that African Americans have endured.  

Minaj was also asked about the feud between her boyfriend, Meek Mill, and her label mate Drake and the feud between rappers Birdman and Lil Wayne. Her response was unexpected, yet it was exactly what needed to be said. 

After the question Nicki Minaj ended the interview, but her message was still heard. It is common for interviewers to question women entertainers about things that they would never question male entertainers about. For example have you ever watched an interview with he cast of the Avengers? Scarlett Johansson is constantly asked about how she got in shape for her role while her co-stars are asked about the film itself.

 It even happens in politics. When women are running for office they question them about maintaining their family instead of asking about their ideas about foreign policy. During the past year Nicki Minaj has called out the media for racism and sexism, and something tells me this will not be the last time the rapper sheds light on the ignorance and lack of diversity of the media.

Keep up the great work Queen Minaj. We cherish you!


Toni Miles is a Mass Media Major with aspirations of writing, producing her own documentaries, and directing short films in the future. 
Her Campus at Valdosta State.