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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

Life happens and the unexpected can occur at any given moment. No matter what the situation is, whether the situation is a major or a minor situation in due time it will be okay. Sometimes the fault will be ours and even then, there is still light at the end of the tunnel. The thing about being a young adult in your early twenties,  is that making mistakes is unavoidable. For many, learning from experience is the best way to learn, as long as the same mistake isn’t made more than once. So here’s a few things you can do for when life happens.  

Take a breather   

Take a breather, even though there seems to not be a way out of the situation you are in, there is. Taking a step back to look at the situation from a different perspective can help you figure out how to find a solution. Before you can find a solution, take a breather.  


Take it day by day 


Sometimes taking it day by day is the only way to truly get out of the situation without overwhelming yourself .  Worry about what you can do at the moment and begin there.  


Have faith 

Having faith can take you a long way. When you seem to be in a hopeless place, having faith will keep hope alive and will give you a motivation to keep working hard.  


Life will happen. Things can go downhill when least expected. The thing that you just always have to remember even when you feel that you’re at your lowest point, is that there is a way out. The way out may not always be easily seen or it may not be easy to get there, but it is possible. Only when you have been at your lowest and manage to make it to the your top, only this can determine your true character as a person. So whatever it is you may be going through, always remember that you will be okay.  




Her Campus at Valdosta State.