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Adebusola Abujade / Her Campus Media

“I’m Not Racist” Statements That Are Definitely Racist

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

The following phrases are all ones that have been proceeded by a blatantly racist statement, joke or judgment.

1. I’m not racist, I have friends that are “insert minority here.”

Having friends that are of a different race is not a free pass to say racist things without consequence.

2. I’m not racist, I just can’t live with “them.”

This was told to me by a young woman after she found out she was assigned a roommate of a different race. Anytime someone has an “Us” vs “Them” attitude, there should be reason for concern.

3. I’m not racist, I never treat “them” poorly.

The way you treat people should be an extension of how you talk about them when they aren’t there, not the opposite. Being someone who isn’t racist is being someone who isn’t racist regardless of who is present.

4. I’m not racist, I would never say that to their face.

Being someone who isn’t racist is being someone who isn’t racist regardless of who is present or listening to the conversation.

5. I’m not racist. But nothing. Period.

Plot twist. There is an appropriate way to make this statement: by adding absolutely nothing to the end of it. Bottom line being a non-racist or dare a say good human being is about who you are, not what you do. No amount of action or behaviors can compensate for a racist heart.


Julia Harris

Valdosta '20

Virgo Energy, Fitness Instructor, Kale Enthusiast
Her Campus at Valdosta State.