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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

Starting school this semester may mean you and your significant other have separated if your school is away from where they live or if they attend another school. Long distance relationships are a hard adjustment, but if the relationship is meant to be, it’ll last and become even stronger after the time apart. Relationships and school may not be the perfect combination for some individuals. There are some ways you can come together and compromise on the time spent on your school work and on each other.

Choose one time a day that you can have a good conversation with each other 

When my significant other moved away for school, he was three hours behind me. We woke up and went to sleep at different times. He also would sleep right up until he went to class, so we could never consistently talk throughout the day. When we decided to allocate at least an hour every day to have a good, consistent talk with each other. With the rise of COVID-19, video calling has been made much more accessible and manageable. That was the best form of communication as we felt more physically in contact with each other, rather than just a phone call. Watching movies together was another way we could bond. Pull up Netflix or Hulu together and count down from three so that you two start watching the movie at the exact same time!

Openly communicate with one another 

It’s easy to get carried away in your schoolwork or social events, so you may not always be able to talk to each other at the designated time you choose. If that happens, be honest with each other, and find another time to make up for it. If you two equally want to talk to each other, the time you choose to talk would happen more often than not.

Arrange a date to see each other 

Whether it can only occur at the end of the semester or every few weeks, always have a date scheduled to see each other. This way, you’ll always know when you can see your significant other. That’ll give both of you something exciting to look forward to, rather than being in a gray area. This will also prevent any last-second cancelling or rain checks since you two will know far enough in advance to ensure that that day can be made possible.


Have a custom-made gift for each other! A printed photo, a jar of written sweet-nothings, or even a long distance remote-controlled vibrator (if you two get it that way) are great gifts that help you feel that your loved one is always around. My personal favorite gift that my significant other and I made before being long distance was Build-a-Bear stuffed animal. There you can create a voice recording that can be placed in the stuffed animal. You can also choose scents that are unashamedly amazing and will last for far longer than the time you and your partner will be apart. Just something very personal and intimate for you too is great for long distance relationships.

Keep in mind that your education and degree will always be there for you after these long, hard years of education. Your significant other as of right now may not, and the long distance may make or break the relationship. Things will turn out the way they are meant to be, regardless of a happy or sad ending. Trying your best will never be the reason why it wouldn’t work though. Working together and incorporating these tips will help you two manage and maintain the best relationship you can have while apart.


Tiffany Artis

Valdosta '25

Hello! My name is Tiffany Artis. I am currently a self-employed beautician (specifically an eyelash extension technician) and a Business Management student at Valdosta. I plan on opening my own full-service day spa consisting of eastern practices and services. I'm starting to travel the world due to this desire so that I can offer these services authentically. I am also one of the biggest foodies that you will meet, the food I eat being adventurous yet comforting. From relaxing spa services to bustling, bright restaurants, I love learning all that there is to the mind, body, and soul, as well as the food that fuels us.