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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

The key to happiness is simple. It is simply making your happiness a priority. Above all, your peace of mind should always be first on your daily agenda. You want to be at peace, not in pieces. Being in college, working jobs, being involved on campus and still trying to keep a social life is hard. Not only is it physically tiring to be so active throughout the days, but it can also be emotionally and psychologically draining. We encounter dozens upon dozens of people everyday who are also going through their own issues in their own lives. The people you interact with can have more of an effect on your moods than you realize.

“Good vibes only”  has become a popular slogan on social media. This speaks to those who are seeking positivity and avoiding negativity at all costs. Realistically, it’s hard to avoid negativity. As humans, we sometimes have a bad day, run into bad situations, or just wake up in bad moods. This is inevitable.Life has its ups and downs and escaping it is impossible.  What is possible, though, is who we surround ourselves with. Your happiness begins with you. You have to protect it at all costs. You are your greatest you when you are genuinely happy.

If that means choosing to stay off social media, then so be it. If that means ending friendships, then so be it. If that’s switching jobs, changing organizations, or unfriending negative people on Facebook, then so be it. If certain people, situations, or dialogues trigger negative feelings or energies in you, you have every right to remove them from your life. Unapologetically, you have to stop allowing people and situations to alter your frequency.  You have one life to live, and your time is limited. Spend your time wisely and be as happy as you can be in one lifetime.



Her Campus at Valdosta State.