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Guide to Finding Your Home Church at College.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

Have you ever wondered what Church you will attend when you move off to college? Sure the dorm life/off campus housing is nice, but we all need to be involved in a local church. When you are able to find a Church that is just for you, the feeling is amazing.

Before  I came to my university, I looked up the different ministries they offered on campus. Research is the number one tool when it comes to finding that home church. After I looked up the possible ministries on my universities website that I would be interested in, I followed their social medias for updates. Once all that was done, I research the different churches around Valdosta. This specific church I found had very good reviews. Because of that, I emailed the church asking how to get involved. The week after move-in day I was connected with a ride from two girls who also attend the church.

I loved this church, it kind of reminded me of my church back home. However, after maybe two month of going there, I realizd I was not building community, I was not getting anything out of the sermon, I was not making friends. Sure people were nice and the worship was awesome. But I realized, yes worship music is important, but it should not be the main reason why I go to a particular church.

Moving on, The friends that I met in the three ministries I was going to, I had decided to try out some of their churches. So the rest of the semester I churched hopped alot. Over Christmas/Winter break I had alot of thinking to process. I narrowed my churches down to three. Coming back, I tried all three churches again for the first three weeks and by the fourth week I finally found my home church and stuck with it. I truly adore my Church and I am so thankful God placed these people and this Church in my life.

Of course finding your home church does not have to be as complicated as mine, however it is really helpful to do research. If you find a church that instantly clicks and you’re in love by all means stick with that church. Not everyone has to visit multiple churches to find the one they truly love. However, if you are that type of person, it is indeed okay to take your time, church hop. Makre sure it’s he place God has for you.

Last but not leastI say it’s so important to get involved in your local church because as Christians we need to be in a body of believeres strenghtining, encouraging and fellowshipping with one another. People might say as long as they are in a minstry on campus they’re fine. However, the ministry won’t always be there. We can not stay in college forever, eventually we will have to grow up, graduate move away. That is why it’s so important to fall in love with the Church.

Ciara Jones

Valdosta '20

Hello, Ciara Jones is a "Senior" at Valdosta State University, majoring in Mass Media. After she graduates, she is planning to go into ministry working with communication media and journalism. She has a passion for Jesus, writing, kids and food. She loves attending bonfires and concerts on her free time.
Her Campus at Valdosta State.