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Life, Love & College: Conversations Every Single Girl Has

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

Being single can be a liberating, empowering feeling. However, that doesn’t mean we like being questioned every five minutes about it. And please keep your relationship comments to yourself. We get it. Here are conversations every single girl has.

When someone asks: “Why are you single?” you’re like…


When someone asks:  “So you don’t have anyone? At all?” you’re like…


When someone asks: “Well, is there something wrong with you?” you’re like…


When someone asks: “Don’t you want a relationship?” you’re like…


When someone asks: “Why don’t you just start dating?” you’re like…


When someone says: “Your life must suck,” you’re like…


When someone says: “Well, I love my relationship,” you’re like…


When someone is constantly bringing up the fact that you’re single, you’re like…


When someone says: “All single people are single for a reason,” you’re like…


When someone says: “You probably just have unrealistic standards,” you’re like…


When someone says: “Well, I hope you find someone,” you’re like…


When someone tries to rub their relationship in your face, you’re like…


When someone tries to play matchmaker, you’re like…


When someone is still ranting about you being single, you think of your independence, and then you’re like…


And when someone finally gives up on the conversation and walks away with their happy other half, you’re just like…


Disclaimer: We love anyone in a loving, monogomous relationship. We commend you. We aspire to be you one day. Just not now.

President/Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus Valdosta State, and a Mass Media major. Loves spaghetti and is currently waiting for someone to teach her how to play her guitar. Never meets a stranger. Hi :)