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Campus Cutie R.J. Sargent ’15

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

Meet RJ! He’s a calm spirited and chill guy with huge ambitions. If you haven’t had the opportunity to meet him, here’s your chance.

Hometown: Washington, D.C.

Classification: Senior 

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

Major: Criminal Justice

Relationship Status: In a relationship

HC: Why did you choose VSU?

RJ: My parents were stationed down here when they were in the Air Force, and they went to VSU. They told me about it and I liked it. Then I toured the school and I loved the campus so I decided I’d come here for my degree.

HC: What do you like to do in your free time?

RJ: I like to go to the Rec and work out and play ball. I like working on cars too; I’ve been doing that for a while.

HC: So how would you describe yourself in 3 words?

RJ: Confident, Jovial, and Comedic.

HC: What’s something you’d feel incomplete without if left at home?

RJ: Probably my brush. I have to make sure I look decent throughout the day. (laughs)

HC: So do you have any turn-offs?

RJ: Girls that always talk about themselves, and girls with bad hygiene. Hygiene is important.


HC: Any turn-ons?

RJ: I like an attractive girl; curvy women are a bonus to me. I also like for a girl to be herself, especially if she’s silly. I can appreciate someone being real with me.

HC: If you could be anyone in the world for a day, who would it be and why?

RJ: Warren Buffett. I’d want to see firsthand what it takes to be successful, and what it’s like to have so much power. I’m sure I could change the world with that much money and influence.

HC: What’s your dream career?

RJ: I want to be a computer security engineer for the government or a large company. My Dad taught me a lot about computers, and I’d love to do the same thing. The field has a lot of job opportunities and a good salary.

HC: What do you consider most important when you’re in a relationship?

RJ: Communication. You both have to be on the same page or you won’t know what you have in the relationship. Everything would be fine if everything is put on the table.

HC: Celebrity crush?

RJ: Megan Good. That one was easy. [Laughs]

HC: If you had to eat one thing forever, what would it be?

RJ: My mother’s gumbo.

HC: What have you learned since being at VSU?

RJ: I’ve learned to create good relationships with people. I’ve also learned that everyone is human, and no one’s perfect. No one’s life is glitter and gold.


Her Campus at Valdosta State.