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Campus Cutie Emily Charlotte Bell ‘17

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

Meet Emily! She is a fun loving girl who loves animals and Mexican food. She is a native of England and has traveled the world. In this article you’ll be able to get to know this not-so-talkative beauty!

Full Name: Emily Charlotte Bell
Hometown: Born in London, England. Resides in Madison, GA.
Classification: Sophomore
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Relationship Status: Single
Major: Finance

HC: How is England compared to America?

Emily: England is really cold and rainy all the time. The fashion is different. It’s like gothic and chic.

HC: Do you consider yourself a shy or outgoing person?

Emily: I’m a shy person. I generally have to warm up to people.

HC: What do you plan to do with your major?

Emily: I plan on going into accounting. That’s where the money’s at.

HC: If you could build your dream guy, what qualities would he possess?

Emily: My dream guy would have to have a good sense of humor, not be extremely social, like to travel, dress cute, listen to similar music as me, have goals for himself and ambition is also key.

HC: What’s your idea of the perfect first date?

Emily: A perfect first date for me would be going to get food, then going to a zoo or a lake.

HC: Do you have any pets?

Emily: Yes! I have four pets: one dog named Jodie, two cats named Charlie and Nugget and a hermit crab named Bubbles.

HC: If you had to listen to one band & one rap artist for the rest of your life, who would they be?

Emily: If I had to listen to one band it would be The xx. One rapper I would never get tired of is Dom Kennedy.

HC: If you could have a house anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Emily: I would absolutely choose Fiji! The water is beautiful and I would be able to work on my tan whenever I wanted to.

HC: If you could donate to any charity, what would be your first pick?

Emily: The ASPCA would be my charity of choice, simply because I’m a huge animal person.


Journalist, Writer, Mother and Wife. Passionate about travel and alternative/indie music. English and Journalism graduate at Valdosta State University as of May 2017. Follow me on twitter: GenevaCrooks_ Add me on Facebook: Geneva Rena'
Her Campus at Valdosta State.