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Beauty & Brains: 5 Things You Should Know About Gauges

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

Before you make the decision to stretch your ears, there are a few things you should know.

1. Things won’t always be smooth: Brace yourself for ear swelling. Some people tell you that ear swelling is a problem, but this is not the case. It is natural for your ears to swell, so don’t be alarmed if that happens.

2. Beware of the “blow out”: In simpler terms, a blowout is when your ear rips (Google at your own risk). It’s a stretcher’s worst nightmare. In order to avoid this, stretch one size at a time, and wait at least a month between stretching. 

3. When they will and will not close: A fear of stretching is that the holes won’t close up. If you ever want to close your ears up, or think you might want to, don’t go past a 00. Once you stretch past that size, it is extremely unlikely that your ears will permanently close up like normal.

4. Where to buy tapers: Places like Spencer’s and Hot Topic are convenient for buying tapers and plugs. However, Amazon and Ebay have a broader and cheaper selection of tapers and gauges. You can even buy an entire stretching kit from Amazon for various low prices.

5. Properly preparing: Sometimes tapers will slide in easily. When they don’t, make sure to properly moisturize and do not force them in. Not only is this painful, but it can potentially lead to a blowout.

Remember these tips, and good luck on your ear stretching journey!

Michaela Leung is the current Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Valdosta State. She is an honors student studying Mass Media and working on a Cross-Training Certificate in Journalism at Valdosta State University with aspirations to be a music journalist and a news anchor. This New York native enjoys fashion, all kinds of music, socializing, making people laugh and standing up for what is right. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter: michaelaskrunk
Her Campus at Valdosta State.