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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

Becoming serious about improving yourself and transforming your life is just the first step to actually seeing results. It takes serious dedication, self-awareness, and consistency to correctly execute self-improvement in your life. This is an article about wanting to understand self-improvement and apply it to your daily habits. Think about how great you would be if you took the time away from far less effective habits/activities and apply your time to becoming a better, healthier version of yourself, if that did not convince you to adjust your life to fit a better you then think about how your future self will be thankful for you deciding to start now and not choosing to procrastinate. If you love yourself decide to want the best for yourself since working to create a more desirable you, you will actually have a positive impact on your existence. This article is not to make you believe you are not good enough, but to simply give you something worthwhile to achieve. I advocate for self-improvement so I can attract better things into my life.

woman holding a neon red heart
Photo by Designecologist from Pexels

Every day is a new day to achieve a greater you, it just has one prominent request on your behalf and that is patience, Orpah was not developed in one day and nor am I comparing you or myself to Orpah, that just goes to say resilience and self-restraint are exceedingly preeminent in this particular process. Some advice, be patient and kind to yourself, sometimes growing and changing can be difficult and can be uncomfortable at first but once you become deliberate on something you value the effect it will have on your life, it will be tremendously epic. Now this endeavor will take time, so once you set your intent on becoming a superior you the next step is to set a specific system and actionable goals that are attainable. If you are serious about this commitment then right now, at this exact moment set two goals, three if you are feeling daring, accomplish those goals, and then set new ones to reach, do this until you find yourself implementing this into your daily habits and routine. Imagine all the blessings you will obtain during your transformation. Just get started, don’t go backward to the things that were hindering you from thriving and the rest will come willingly. 

Hello, thank you for taking the time to read my articles. My inspiration comes from my past, present, and, future. Follow me on Instagram @Courtney.Flournoy10
Her Campus at Valdosta State.