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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

While everyone discusses Mercury being in retrograde, it leaves me wondering if anyone knows what happens after retrograde. So I’m hoping to shed a little light for those of us who are still confused about what’s to come next.

You might not know it but most likely you felt it somewhere in your body, mind, or soul. Autumn Equinox is an auspicious day celebrated by many different cultures and traditions in the past as well as the present. During the autumn equinox, day and night are of equal length. This in turn signals the need to balance light and darkness within us. It’s marked by the sun going into the astrological sign Libra, to be followed by Scorpio and Sagittarius. So to put it simply, it’s the start of this trio of relational signs and because of this astrological mix we are able to grow in understanding through our social and intimate connections.

Right now, it is a crucial time to take a step back and reflect on all that’s happened in the passing retrograde. As we watch leaves fluttering to the ground in the fall, we are reminded that nature’s cycles are mirrored in our lives. Autumn is the perfect time for letting go and releasing the things that have been such a heavy burden. Fall has a tendency to remind us of the impermanence of everything. We have experienced the budding of life in spring and the flowerings and profusions of summer. Now the leaves fall and bare branches remind us of the fleeting nature that all things seem to have.

The sun is waning (at least in the Northern Hemisphere), but this is said to begin the season of reaching out. The sun moving into Libra motivates us to build bridges and to create a balance of give and take. It’s ideal for sharing your bounty with friends and family, going out to make new connections, or attending the community fall festivities. It is the perfect time to complete those to-do’s that have been on your list for months or ask that guy you’ve been eyeballing in class out for coffee. As summer winds down, the fall season is a time to embark on change and reflect upon your own “harvest” of sorts.  All that you’ve taken in and what you need to let go of, to achieve a healthy balance and bring forth the ultimate success you need for an abundant season. There’s never been a better time to be you!


Tayla Means is a PR Girl working to get her Bachelors in communication at Valdosta State University. When she's not overwhelmed with the duties of senior year, she likes to take time out to enjoy the company of good friends in the great outdoors. This Ohio native, aspires to work in Brand Management and Hospitatlity from a location that feeds into her passion for travel and adventure. 
Her Campus at Valdosta State.