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7 Need to Know Tips for Natural Hair

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

Being natural takes a lot of work. There are a lot of rules to maintaining healthy natural hair. If you’re new to the natural hair thing or have been natural for a while now, here are seven things that you need to be doing when it comes to taking care of your natural hair.

1. Drink four bottles of water each day

Water is the best thing for your hair. It keeps your hair hydrated and helps the growth of your hair.

2. Sulfate-Free Shampoo

The only kind of shampoo you should be using is sulfate-free shampoo. Sulfate-free shampoo doesn’t strip your hair of moisture and its natural oils. Look for a brand of shampoo that works best for you.

3. Oiling your hair every other day

Oiling gives moisture to your hair, but your hair doesn’t need to oiled everyday. There are tons of oils out there that you can use. There’s coconut oil, argan oil, oilive oil and many others. Find one that works best for your hair that will give you the results you want.

4. The less manipulation, the better

The more you play with your hair, the more likely it will break, so keep your hands out of your hair. Try some hairstyles that don’t require you do much each day. It’s better for your hair, plus you can probably use that extra time you were putting into doing your hair by sleeping just a little bit longer in the morning.

5. Eat your fruits and veggies daily

Fruits and veggies are good for your hair. They make your hair healthier and grow faster. I wouldn’t suggest eating fruits and vegetables you aren’t too fond of. Find a fruit and/or vegetable that you like and eat that daily.

6. Sleeping on silk

You either need to sleep with a silk scarf/bonnet or a silk pillowcase. It doesn’t matter which one as long as your hair is resting on silk when you’re asleep. Having your hair sleeping on silk helps your hair lock in moisture.

7. Wear your hair out

Instead of the typical bun, wear your hair out. Embrace the naturalness of your hair. Let your curls hang out and breathe. If you’re not use to wearing your hair out, I would suggest wearing it out at least once a week. You should stop the everyday routine of pulling your hair back and up. Just let your curls be free.



I'm Jessie Thomas, a junior in college. I'm a fun loving girl who loves music and fashion! Someday I hope to be successful in the entertainment industry.
Her Campus at Valdosta State.