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6 Ways You Know You’ve Been at VSU Too Long

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

1. The only way you’ll go to an on-campus event is if there will be free food served.

Cookout on Palms Quad? Sure. Movie night in the Student Union Theater with pizza and popcorn? Count me in! A forum where there won’t be any food? Uh…I just remembered that I have a ton of homework due tomorrow….


2. You feel like you and Trisha Taylor are BFFs.

Every Monday and Thursday, you patiently await Trisha’s emails letting you know what’s going on around campus. She’s like that best friend you’ve never had.


3. You know how crazy the student body gets during SGA elections.

When it’s that time of the year, all hell breaks loose. Friends become enemies, and enemies become nemeses. But just a week later everything is peachy again.


4. You don’t even bother getting an unlimited meal plan.

Don’t get me wrong, unlimited meals at Palms and Hopper are awesome, but $125 Blazerbucks is enough to last about a week. After that, you’re on your own if you want Moe’s, Starbucks or anything else that isn’t one of the dining halls.


5. Every time you walk past Chick-fil-A in the Student Union, you shed a tear in honor of The Loop.

Yes, the burgers may have been $8, and yes the cheapest pizza was at least $10, but let’s be real. The Loop had delicious food.


6. Two words: Hopper Square.

Back in the day, Hopper Square was the one place you knew you could find other students hanging out, cracking jokes and just being loud on campus. But I guess that’s kind of the reason why the school took it away.

Her Campus at Valdosta State.