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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

It’s every young girl’s dream from adolescence to the time they enter adulthood to find a guy that is head over heels for her, and only her. You want a guy that looks at you as if you’re the only girl in the world. A guy that says to himself sporadically “Man, I love that girl!” We long for our Prince Charming in hopes of a fairytale ending, but sometimes get caught up with the wrong guy. You tend to believe that you’re doing something wrong. What seems to be your Mr.Perfect is really you’re Mr.Wrong. Chances are he’s not the right guy for you. How do you know he’s not the one? Well check out these 5 different ways to tell if your guy isn’t the one for you.

1. He doesn’t make time for you

When a guy is head over heels in love with you he wants to spend every chance he gets with you. If your guy never wants to spend time with you chances are he’s spending his time with someone else, and that someone else may be another girl. So, be very vigilant in seeing how he spends his time.

2. He never takes you out

Every guy wants to show their girlfriend off to the world. If he never takes you out and you’re always stuck in the house with him… he’s not the one for you.

3. He tries to change you

If he’s always complaining about your physical appearance, he’s definitely not the one. Your guy should make you feel beautiful instead of making you feel insecure.

4. Your relationship is only physical

If he only texts or calls you after midnight then he’s not the one for you. He doesn’t want to come over for some good conversation. If he wanted to talk he would have contacted you earlier in the day.  This means that your relationship is only based on physicality and he’s not trying to really get to know. So move on because he’s not the one for you.


5. He never asks about your day

Your guy should want a play by play of your day, if he doesn’t bother to ask how your day has gone, then he probably doesn’t care to know.


Her Campus at Valdosta State.