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5 EASY Ways to Beat Procrastination

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

It’s the Sunday night before your project is due and it just hit you: you’ve procrastinated.

The weekend was fun. Partying and hanging out with your friends got in the way of your five-page paper and now you’re stuck. Although it’s pretty normal to want to avoid schoolwork, it can be even more stressful to wait until the last minute. Here are some super simple ways to help yourself when you feel like your work is creeping up on you.


1. DO IT NOW. Don’t think about it, just do it.


2. Get an agenda. Stay focused. When you don’t remember to do your work, the agenda will remember for you. It’s foolproof and a reminder every time you see it in your purse. If you’re a tech freak, there’s an app called iStudiez Pro that will keep you on top of your game.


3. Break your work into pieces. If you can’t do it all at once, split it up. Instead of thinking about the entire assignment, think about the first part for one day, and another part for the next. The sooner you start, the sooner you finish.


4. Stop saying “tomorrow”. Excuses are for the weak! Make yourself do something every day.


5. Set a goal, and then reward yourself. After you finish your big project or paper, take a break and do something you usually would, like watch your favorite show or movie. :)

Her Campus at Valdosta State.