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Life > Experiences

14 Christmas Gifts for Your College Friends

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.



The holidays are approaching and the clock is ticking. This year’s Christmas experience will be as weird as it gets but that does not mean your gift-giving has to be. A lot of us are dealing with balancing an ongoing pandemic with our college experience, not to mention finals are coming up. This Christmas break is well-deserved for all of us so get something that your friend(s) will find relaxing, fun, calming, and a step in their self-care. Whether they are on-campus or doing strictly online all of these items will make their lives a bit more relaxing, all thanks to you. 

Coffee Maker

A cup of joe. Java. A bit of perk for the morning or a midnight cram. With finals making their devious approach everyone will need that cup of energy to get through the process. 


Weekend trips to the beach, movie nights, and so much more. College is full of crazy, weird, and fun experiences. Capture your best moments to look back at during these odd times.

Photo Album

With this new gift of a polaroid then you can now have somewhere to put it. 

Body Spray

Perfume, cologne, body mist, and body sprays. Smelling good means feeling good. You can pick your scents based on personality, color, emotion, or just how you believe best reflects on them. 


A piece of jewelry to make a statement. Gold, rose gold, silver, teals, or anything else will make your friend’s outfit pop. Not only that but it can also be a sign of your friendship, such as friendship necklaces or bracelets with charms.


Who doesn’t love candles?! Floral, musk, sweet, fruity, or fresh. There are hundreds of scents to choose from. There are even some really weird scents like Thanksgiving dinner or bacon. 


Artworks reflect whether that may be emotions, memories, or even values. Everyone loves new ways to spice up a room and it doesn’t matter if they are big or small. You can create a masterpiece yourself or purchase a piece of art that you think your friend would love. 


If your friend was on-campus this semester, giving them a speaker set is a gift of freedom. With new speakers, your friend can freely enjoy their music without worrying about it being awkward with their roommate or their entire hall. 


It’s getting colder so what’s better than a soft blanket to snuggle under. Just imagine, a cold afternoon, a cup of hot chocolate, a Netflix movie, and a warm blanket. Wool, weighted, fleece, or even quilted all sound great. 


A PLANT PARENT! We all can not have pet dogs or cats why not start off small and have yourself become a plant parent. Not only will these succulents be a great decorative piece but also the process of a dealing plant will be pretty great too. 

Haircare Products

We don’t take about haircare a lot compared to skincare but it is indeed self-care. For a lot of us, we don’t understand what works for our hair. Crazy enough there are so many elements that we have to go through from textures to hair porosity it means that certain products may or may not work. 

Skincare Products

Just like haircare, skincare is self-care. This is the time for you and your friends to focus on yourself and discover what works. From peel-off mask to eye creams and facial serums. Relax and enjoy that time to yourself. 


While your friend is home on holiday break why not you both pick up a new hobby such as cooking. Plus you can’t stick to instant ramen all the time. 

PJ Set

Over break, over anything being comfortable and able to sleep in all day is something everyone wants. The best way to do this is by sleeping in style.

As a college student myself I can tell you these listed items will be perfect for your college friend or even for you.  

Jasmin Small

Valdosta '23

Hey ladies!! I am a student Valdosta State University. (Class of 2023 WHOOP WHOOP) I major in journalism and minor in mass media. I'm a pretty fun person to be around (at least I hope that I am).