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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWM chapter.

The F word. It’s sinister. Unladylike. Downright nasty. Cover children’s ears and hide them away from such a foul disgusting word. You know what word I’m talking about right? That word that makes people gasp when you utter it to them and makes ladies faint into the arms of men dramatically. I know you all have heard it before. You know the word? Feminism.

Feminism has been labeled as a dirty very very naughty word and something that you shouldn’t be in modern society. Being a feminist means that you only support women and that all males should just disappear off of the planet. I mean who needs men, right? WRONG. Feminism is NOT about degrading men and only supporting women. The term means. So. Much. More. It is a powerful word that every single woman and man should be. Being a feminist should not be a taboo thing in our society. But why has it turned into that? And if it isn’t about crushing men into oblivion than what exactly is it?

Feminism is all about equality. Equality for women AND men. This term is not meant to destroy men but to make women their equals. Throughout history, women have been known as lesser to men. Feminism was coined by a French philosopher named Charles Fourier in 1837. He advocated for the emancipation of women because he felt as if they were treated as slaves. Women are supposed to be good little girls. And when we finally grow up into adulthood we are supposed to be the doting housewives that run to the beck and call of our husbands. Sounds fantastic right? Being completely owned and controlled by another individual. In the past women didn’t have the same freedoms that we do now. They weren’t allowed to vote, work a job, or own anything. They were completely controlled by men. Without a man, a woman was shunned by society. 

The whole point of feminism is to level the playing field between all the sexes. It is not about trying to be better than men but to be their equals and to have the same opportunity that they have.  We want the image of women being lesser and weak to change to that of being equals to those around us. The whole message of feminism is equality. That’s all that the word strives for. For women and men to be equals. But women aren’t the only ones who can be feminists. This isn’t some selective club where some people are welcome to join and others aren’t. Men are belittled just as much as women when they are deemed to have “feminine” qualities. Being slightly feminine makes them less of a man. Which in reality simply isn’t true. 

The whole point of feminism is about raising the things that are associated with females as being equal to the things that are associated with males. So how did the word feminism become such a vile word for people to use? It’s as simple as some people misconstruing the word and bringing a new meaning to it which isn’t what it’s about. Neo-feminism is what has turned this word that every single person on this planet should agree with into a controversy. Neo-feminists believe that women should be better than men in every aspect. Women should dominate workforces, politics, and everything in between. Whereas, feminism just wants to give everyone a level playing field. 

Being a feminist should not be such a dirty word. Every single person should be one and not be ashamed to come out as one. Equality should be something that no matter who you are or where you come from should be possible. The stigma that being a feminist means you hate all men needs to stop and the true meaning of the word needs to be readily known. The F-word is something that you should flaunt proudly no matter who you are. Being a feminist is a good and positive thing. Embrace the F-word and strive for equality with it. 

Ashley is a Senior at the University Wisconsin Milwuakee where she is majoring in Human Rescource Management. She is currently the President for the University of Wisconsin Milwaukees HerCampus chapter. Outside of HerCampus Ashley is PR Manager and brand ambassador for Love Your Melon! She enjoys all the fun volunteering oppurtunities with the kiddos and within her community that Love Your Melon has to offer. During her free time you can find her passing time watching Netflix or diving into a good book.