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This Week’s Cutie: One of HCUWindsor’s Currently-Single Staff Members

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWindsor chapter.

Say hello to this week’s cutie, Emma Schindler-Wood. A Windsor native and also a member of the HCUWindsor team, this first year is currently single and looking for a friendship to eventually turn into something more!



What’s your year and major?

I’m a first year in English Literature and Creative Writing.

What kind of job are you hoping to get after you graduate with your degree? Or do you have plans for more schooling afterwards?

I have an early acceptance into the BEd program so I could do that. My big goal is to be an editor, but at the same time, I love travelling and have thought about teaching English abroad. There are a lot of options.

What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve done in front of a guy?

I was in Toronto with some girl friends. We were at a restaurant and the waiter was very attractive. I took it upon myself to be the one to flirt with him. He seemed interested, but as I was paying for my dinner and my friends were splitting the chocolate crepe, I turned to my friend and cried out “But I want the really chocolaty one!” I sounded like a 3 year-old. The guy just looked at me, nearly horrified, and left quickly after I paid on the machine.

Any ideas of what your ideal boyfriend would be like?

I’m full of opposites and I think I expect the guy I’m with to be sort of like that, too. I love to laugh and make really dumb jokes, so if we can have a lighthearted, good time together, that’s great. But I’m really big on finding purpose in life and diving into deep questions. He’d need to be able to have those conversations with me, too. Just good communication, I guess. Respect and support are big, too.

With exams coming up, what are some of your go-to ways to unwind when stressed?

Baths. I love baths. Playing good music that will remind me of the better things in life (not focusing on life) is good, too. I’ve recently been watching “Once Upon a Time” and the fantasy portion is great for an escape. I would read, but seeing as studying IS reading for me, it’s not the same during the semester.

What would happen on the worst possible date you can imagine?

If he showed up with another girl… and then threw food at me.

Any guys on campus that have currently caught your eye? (Not naming any names, of course!)

Of course, there are a lot of attractive guys on campus. But it comes down to who’s a good friend and who you share a connection with. I’m still looking for something meaningful like that.

So, the search continues for Emma, just as it probably continues for a lot of us collegiettes on campus. Here’s hoping we all find that special connection with someone soon!

A former first year English undergrad at the University of Windsor, though originally from Cambridge. Joining HerCampus as a contributing writer for the new UWindsor chapter, launching on October 28th, 2014. Lover of music, drawing, reading a good book or attempting to write one, with perhaps some unhealthy obsessions for many different TV shows. Twitter is @Antebelluhm, for the curious.