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Tips to Start off the Winter Semester Strong

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWindsor chapter.

The beginning of a new semester can set the tone for the entire thing. This is why it is very important to start off on the right foot. It can be very easy to slack off or procrastinate during the beginning of a semester, and then get too far behind to catch up. The tips below will help you start the new semester off strong, and help you to achieve grades that you will be proud of.

Get a planner

University life can be overwhelming. Many students find  their start assignments pilling up and end up having to cram. An easy way to deal with this is to get a planner. After getting your planner, you can fill it with the due dates for all your assignments in each class. This can help you manage your time and be prepared for every due date; saving you from having to cram your work and/or studying. Using a planner can also help you to organize some well needed break time; such as social time with friends, or a day all to yourself. A good planner to get is this one from Amazon. It’s affordable and comes in three different colors to match your personal style. Getting a planner will ensure that your winter semester starts off right.

Bundle up

It’s no secret that going to class on a cold winter’s day can be challenging. All we want to do is cozy up in our dorms, as opposed to fighting the treacherous winter weather on your way to class. An easy way to combat this discomfort is to fill your closet with warm items to bundle up with on  cold days. I’m talking about a nice coat, warm mittens, a cozy scarf, a wool hat, fluffy socks, durable boots, etc. All these items will help to combat the cold and get you down to class. Attending all of your classes regularly will maximize your academic success, and therefore your grades. Sometimes it can be something as simple as a cozy clothing item that makes all of the difference. By bundling up for class, you will set yourself up to have a  great and prosperous winter semester.

Join a study group

Sometimes, we need other people to hold ourselves accountable. I know that when I’m working alone, I personally have a hard time staying on task and avoiding procrastination. By joining a study group, not only can you have friends holding you accountable for studying, but studying can become a fun social event. Joining a study group will help motivate and encourage you to study for all of your classes, which will in turn enormously improve your performance this winter semester, and every semester following. By joining a study group, you can start the semester off on the right foot.

Clean your space

For me personally, studying and doing work is almost impossible while my bedroom is messy. All the clutter in my study space just adds to the overwhelming feelings, and I find myself unable to complete anything. Therefore, a great tip on how to start the winter semester off strong is to clean up your space. If you find it too overwhelming to clean your entire space all at once, you can try knocking off one section at a time, or even making your study space somewhere away from all the distractions of home; like a library. By having a clean study space this winter semester, I can guarantee that you will be setting yourself up for success.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help

Out of all of my tips, this may be the most important one. Oftentimes, we can find ourselves being too shy, too independent, or too proud to ask for help. Proceeding with unanswered questions can be detrimental to your academic career. It’s time to put that fear aside and ask your questions. Attend those office hours. Raise your hand in class. Visit the writing support desk. Ask your classmates. Do whatever you can to bring yourself to a full understanding of the task at hand. By following this advice I promise that you won’t regret it.

I hope that the tips above are able to help you start this winter semester off strong. I wish everyone a great and prosperous semester!

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Jamie Novakovic

UWindsor '27

Hi there! I'm Jamie Novakovic. I am a first year french studies major. I love reading and writing, as well as dance.