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Stationery Addiction: The Essentials Everyone Needs

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWindsor chapter.

Do you ever walk into Michael’s and find yourself drawn to the pen and marker aisle? The rows upon rows of colours, varying from magenta to maroon, and the decorated journals that you seem never have enough of.

With all the stationary that I have collected, I have found the brands that I love and those that I tend to skip past. Many of the brands I buy can be found in either Michaels, Chapters, or a quick search on Amazon.

1.    Pens

Muji Pens: This brand is actually new to my collection, and I stumbled upon the Muji store on one of my many trips to Toronto. The pens are super affordable, light-weight, and come in a variety of colours. They also have two different sized points; 0.5 and 0.3 and are a gel pen.

2.    Pencils

Paper Mate Mechanical Pencils: This is a trusted brand that I have always used. I’m not too picky when it comes to pencils, as I tend to write more in pen, but these are perfect for writing notes or filling in scantrons on exams. These can be found just about anywhere, but I always find them on sale at either Staples or Walmart.

3.    Highlighters

Zebra Mildliners: These are my favourite item in my stationery collection. Not only do these come in beautiful colours, but they are also double-sided, consisting of both a regular highlighter and a thinner highlighter. Although these cannot be found in stores, they are reasonably priced on Amazon, and you can get Prime Shipping with some of them.

4.    Sticky Notes

Michael’s Brand: I’m not too particular when it comes to my sticky notes, but I do love when I can get a good deal. Michaels tends to always have their sticky notes either on sale or usable with a coupon. To top it off, they come with cute little pictures on them including holographic hearts, cats, dogs, tacos, pizzas, and many more!

5.    Journals

Chapters Notebooks: Every season, Chapters comes out with a new line of their “designated” journals. Varying in style and size, I find that these are the best notebooks to write in, not only for random notes but also for school notes. Unlike many notebooks, these have the perforated edges, allowing you to have a crisp, beautiful line when you rip a page out.


Carly Coombe is currently in her last year of Teacher's College for P/J, additionally with an Honour Bachelors Degree in English and History. When she’s not busy balancing school and work, she often volunteers her time as a Girl Guide leader for a local unit or is working on her small business, which has taken off since quarantine. She will always be found with her nose in the latest book, sometimes even ones that have not been published yet. She aspires to earn her TEFL degree and become an English and History high school teacher.