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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWindsor chapter.

Sadie Lichty is a second-year Environmental Studies student at UWindsor. She is a funny, loving, and supportive friend and she is single! Get to know her through our short interview with her:


What would you say is your best quality? Physical and personality.

Physically I would probably say my eyes. I get compliments on them all the time, even from complete strangers. For my best quality personality wise, I had to ask a friend for help with this because I couldn’t pick just one (kidding), and she said being a good friend because I am reliable, a good listener, have a good sense of humour and am enthusiastic. Shout out to Kailey Olszewski for the answer.


What is your favourite song?

Currently, my favourite song would probably be “Prisoner” by The Weeknd and Lana Del Rey, but my all time two favourite songs are “Drunk On You” by Luke Bryan and “Follow Me” by Uncle Kracker.


What is one thing you couldn’t live without (other than oxygen and food)?

My pets. My horse, my dog, and my cat are the most important things to me. They listen to me when I’m upset or angry. They help me when I’m stressed and they never sass me. I couldn’t imagine living without them.


You’re part of Phi Sigma Sigma at UWindsor. What’s the most important thing you learned from being involved in such a club?

I think the most important thing I have learned is that it is so important to surround yourself with positive people. My high school experience wasn’t the greatest, and when I came to university I wanted to join a sorority to make friends and get involved. But it’s so much more than that. I have a constant support system, and if I ever need anything I know there (are) at least 5 people that I can talk to. I never realized how important it was to make sure you had positive people around you that will bring you up instead of pull you down. I love all my sisters more than anything!


If you could trade places with any person for a day, who would it be?

Justin Trudeau. Two reasons: 1. Who doesn’t want to be prime minister? 2. That hair.


Would you rather have a million dollars or a million friends?

A million dollars. I know that might seem like the more selfish option, but I honestly don’t know what I would do with a million friends. I try to make time to see all the friends I have now, and I wouldn’t want to lose one of them because I love them all. And then I could buy all my current friends present(s)….and I could buy myself a horse.


Three words to describe yourself?

Outgoing, friendly, and reliable.

I've always been a writer. I'm a Sagittarius with an INFP personality type. I have cats and dogs and love all animals. I am an ovo-lacto pescetarian veering into raw food, slow fashion, eco-friendly beauty, and all-natural skincare. I am a huge fan of language and study English Literature and Creative Writing. I have left footprints in Europe, North America, and the Caribbean. I have a million favourite quotes. I am a devoted Anglican. Finally, I believe love conquers all.