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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWindsor chapter.

Queer representation and the treatment of queer characters within the entertainment industry has greatly improved over the years, with more inclusivity and diversity given to add depth to these characters. It’s also pretty refreshing to see LGBTQ+ characters without the damaging and harmful stereotypes, such as the “Gay Best Friend.” If you’re looking for something to watch that has queer characters and/or actors, here are some recommendations for your next late-night Netflix marathon!


Brooklyn Nine-Nine

This police comedy sitcom is well-known and loved by many, and there’s a reason for that. Brooklyn Nine-Nine revolves around the life of detective Jake Peralta of New York’s 99th Precinct, as well as his fellow colleagues and captain. Though the main storyline isn’t about LGBTQ+, the show does touch on related topics, as well as others such as sexism, toxic masculinity, false imprisonment, and so on. This show currently has 7 seasons and is a wonderful show to watch if you’re all about watching comedies with social awareness, realistic friendships, and character development. Two of the main characters in the show are part of the community: Raymond Holt identifies as gay and Rosa Diaz identifies as bisexual.


Instinct is known for being the first US network show to have an openly gay lead. The 2-season police mystery show follows NYPD Detective Lizzie Needham who enlists the help of Professor Dylan Reinhart when his book is being used as a serial killer’s inspiration. The show continues on as they team up to catch more criminals using both Needham’s detective skills and Reinhart’s psychology insight. Reinhart, played by Alan Cumming, is a former CIA agent turned lecturer and author who happens to also be a gay married man. If you are into detective shows with a hint of psychobabble, this would be up your alley!


This science fiction show is about 8 completely unrelated individuals who are “sensates,” meaning that they’re emotionally and mentally linked to one another. At the same time, they’re also being hunted down by this group called the Biologic Preservation Organization (BPO) for government research. The characters come from different parts of the world, and they have to learn how to live with their newfound powers. Not trying to throw shade, but this show holds more diversity within its main cast than many shows have in their whole production. It also doesn’t fail to talk about socially relevant topics like politics, empathy, and identity. Even though the show got cancelled after its 2nd season, it at least didn’t end in a cliff-hanger.

Your Name Engrave Herein

Your Name Engrave Herein is a Taiwanese movie released in 2020 and is the highest grossing LGBTQ+ movie in its home country. It’s a romantic drama set in 1980s Taiwan of the story of two boys, A-Han and Birdy, who meet in an all-boys Catholic high school and soon become inseparable. As A-Han and Birdy’s friendship grows closer, they start to fall in love with one another. Things then start to get complicated and the two male leads have to deal with the awkward friendship/relationship tension as the movie progresses. Besides being a cinematic masterpiece, it explores issues still relevant in Asian culture, such as homophobia, toxic values, and family pressure. If you’re looking for a good cry in a movie, this is definitely the one for you.

Love Simon

The movie adaptation of the book Simon and the Homosapien Agenda is equal parts wholesome, hilarious, and tear-jerking. It’s about a closeted gay high schooler, Simon, who is being blackmailed by a schoolmate. The schoolmate threatens to leak a series of email exchanges between Simon and his anonymous penpal, who goes by the name of Blue, unless Simon helps him win over his crush. And because leaking the emails would also mean outing him, Simon complies with the blackmail. It’s a satisfying romcom that makes you root for Simon the entire time.


Based on a book with the same name, Trinkets is about three high school students who meet in a Shoplifters Anonymous meeting. Among the three main lead actors, two of them are part of the queer community, but only one of their characters are queer. The rest of the series follows them as they encounter different struggles and hardships, but they always lean on each other for comfort and support. The show is only 2 seasons long with each episode lasting around 30 minutes, so it’s the perfect show to binge watch in one sitting!

There’s much more representation now for the LGBTQ+ community within the entertainment industry, but there’s still much more that could be done. These shows and movies mentioned are just the tip of the iceberg, and there are plenty others with great characters and plot.  Hope this list gives you an idea on where to start!

Daphne Chen

UWindsor '23

Daphne is majoring in International Relations and Development Studies with an Economics minor in UWindsor. Her hobbies include painting, reading, writing, and learning about niche topics among other things. She hopes to one day be able to make a small difference in this world, but she doesn’t know when, what, and how.