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Money-Saving Coffee Hacks

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWindsor chapter.

Coffee is a necessity for many of us, helping us during those dreary 8 am mornings, when we have to deal with a customer at work, or when we have to survive that class. Whatever the case may be, sometimes we all need that warm hug of caffeine to keep us going. Many of us are accustomed to grabbing a  mug of coffee on the way to work or school, by stopping at a Starbucks or Tim’s. It’s ingrained into our routines. However, this routine means that buying a latte a day, at Tim’s costs about $15 a week, and a latte a day at Starbucks costs about $30 a week! If you drink tea, you may save a bit more money, however, you are still spending money each week that can be saved towards a nice vacation or buying a new accessory. 


You can start saving those precious dollars by trying to use instant coffee, or even by investing in a Keurig or a Nespresso machine (based on your budget and type of caffeinated beverage that you desire). A French press (or a tea press) is also not a bad option. This may seem impossible at first since these alternatives won’t taste as good as a latte from your favorite barista, but you can always tweak how you make your tea/coffee by adding syrup or whipped cream. Additionally, you don’t have to cut out those cafe options completely and can reward yourself by buying coffee on hard and stressful days (or when you accomplished something).


If you wish to continue buying drinks at cafes, you can still save money by choosing a drink that is less expensive than a daily latte or Frappuccino or choosing a smaller size. You can try a minty hot chocolate (grandé) and opt to add an espresso shot if you like drinks that are on the sweeter side of things. You can also get an iced caramel macchiato, customizing the sugar, along with the cream/milk, and espresso shots you may need. Another great option for coffee-drinkers is getting a Blonde roast, Pike Place, or any other roast which is also a cheap option! Check out this article for more drinks inspo. 


These tips are sure to help you save money that can be spent on other necessities, plus it gives you more bang for your buck. If you are opting for the Starbucks cheaper alternative drinks, you can also open up a rewards card, earn points for drinks you buy, earn free drinks on your birthday as well as when you collect a certain amount of stars.  You can also get merchandise and discounts on bagged coffee after you become a member – this can save you big time. Happy saving! 


This is an anonymous account hosted by our team mascot, Morty the Monkey. This article was written by a UWindsor student.