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Meet the Guy That’s Oh-So-Classic

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWindsor chapter.

Matt Kozak is a nineteen-year-old, second year English and History major from Belle River, Ontario. Always put-together and a little on the quiet side, don’t mistake him for shy! Matt’s sense of adventure and down-to-earth personality make him quite the catch. Luckily for us, this cutie is single!


What are some of your hobbies?


Reading, swimming, beach volleyball, video games, and music.


What is your favourite book?


That’s definitely The Catcher in the Rye [by J.D. Salinger]. I feel like it’s got a lot of issues with growing up and finding your place in the world. I relate to Holden Caufield, unfortunately. I feel like everyone can relate to that book one way or another. I remember a lot of people hating that book, though, when we had to read it in English.


Everyone goes through an awkward stage. When was yours?


Oh man, grade eight and grade nine. I was kind of in that rebellious stage, you know, the phase that every kid goes through when they try to make themselves look hard when they’re really not. I wore a lot of black clothes. It was a horrible time for me.


Out of all the jobs you’ve had, which have you enjoyed most?


HMV. It was cool working at the mall because I got to spend my money as much as I earned it.


What’s your favourite smell?


Man, I don’t know. There’s so many smells out there. Probably campfire-smell.


What’s the best way to make a s’more?


In the kitchen. It’s just easy to clean up the mess.


What are some of your favourite video games?


As of right now, Witcher 3, Fallout 3, and I can’t wait for Fallout 4.


What’s been your favourite university memory so far?


Every day at 3:50 when I get to go home. I have a while to make some great memories.


What would your ultimate vacation be like?


I’ve got a few. First one is a week at a ski lodge or some kind of resort in Switzerland in the mountains. Maybe Ireland, I really want to go to Ireland. New Zealand, maybe, although I don’t know enough about New Zealand. Switzerland or Sweden are probably my number one choices.


What are you attracted to in a girl?


Laid back attitude is probably number one. Someone who doesn’t take themselves or life too seriously, who knows how to have a good time, knows how to laugh. Someone I can have an intelligent conversation with who has good taste in music and who likes to travel. Someone who’s not afraid to take risks, is open to new ideas, who’s accepting and willing to admit they’re wrong. I could go on forever. Just basic good human qualities, I guess. Good morals and values.


I am one of the Campus Correspondents for Her Campus UWindsor. I am enrolled in English & Creative Writing and Visual Arts. Art, music, and writing are my obsessions! But my heart also belongs to books and big dogs.