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International Artists to Freshen Up Your Playlists 

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWindsor chapter.

Vaundy — Japan

Vaundy is a 21-year old university student who started his career by posting songs and videos on Youtube in 2019 and obtained his following through social media. He not only writes all his songs, but he directs all the visual aspects of his music videos too! His songs move from flowing and ethereal to upbeat and fun, and take a trip through every other vibe in between. Either way, Vaundy’s music creates the perfect soundtrack for a midsummer road trip! 

Favourite Song: “Tokimeki

Honourable Mention: “Kaiju No Hanauta”

IZA  — Brazil

IZA is a pop music singer-songwriter from Brazil who rose to fame covering songs by Beyonce and Rihanna. She released her debut album Dona de mim in 2018, which was nominated for a Latin Grammy. Her songs are filled with rhythm and her voice is very powerful, making every single one of her songs a must-listen. Her songs can make a bad day good and a good day even better. 

Favourite Song: “Gueto 

Honourable Mention: “I Put A Spell On You” (Cover) 

Danna Paola — Mexico

Danna Paola released her first album in 2001 when she was only FIVE YEARS OLD. Between then and her next album release (SIE7E in 2020), she starred in many shows, most recently as Lu in Elite (which you can watch on Netflix) and even performed as Elphaba in the first Spanish language performance of Wicked. She has an incredible voice and shows off her range in her newest album K.O. which is full of amazing songs that show off her full range of talent. I always find myself singing along even though I don’t fully know the words. 

Favourite Song: “Sodio

Honourable Mention: “Final Feliz”

Fairuz — Lebanon

Fairuz started singing when she was just a teenager and became an instant success after the recording of her first song. She’s headlined at some of the world’s most famous and prestigious music halls and performed around the world. During her impressive six-decade career, she’s recorded about 1500 songs and over 80 albums. Her voice is heavenly and she’s truly earned her reputation as one of these most successful musicians alive today. 

Favourite Song: “Bhebak ya Lebnan 

Honourable Mention: “Ya Ahl el Dar”

Ninho — France 

Ninho is a French rapper with five successful albums. Each of his albums had a French Chart topping hit, including his newest album Jefe (2021). Raised in Yerres (a commune in France) he grew up watching people rapping, which inspired him to pursue it himself, and quite successfully I may add. Something about rap in French makes me like it a lot more, and it helps that Ninho is incredibly talented, weaving words together with different beats and sounds. 

Favourite Song: “Lettre à une femme

Honourable Mention: “YSL”

AnnenMayKantereit — Germany

This German rock band started as street performers, self-recording (partially on the street) their first album in 2013. This first album is no longer available but their other ones are. Recently, their cover of “Tom’s Diner” has been thrust into the spotlight here in Canada, being used all over Tiktok and Instagram. They’ve been featured at many festivals and their songs have topped the German song charts. The different voices of the band’s members fit together gorgeously, producing a unique and beautiful sound. 

Favourite Song: “So laut so leer”

Honourable Mention: “Tom’s Diner (Cover)

Madame — Italy

Madame is a 20 year old rapper and singer. She released her debut album MADAME in 2021. Born Francesca Calearo, Madame chose her stage-name using a random drag queen name generator. She got into music through her dad, who was an amaetuer musician, and she took piano lessons through her school years. She also cites Italian composer Ludovico Einaudi and American rock band Van Halen as musical influences. Her song lyrics and sound completely disguise her age (I didn’t know she was the same age as me until I started writing this article). She records and performs like she’s been in the industry for years, but her songs have a modern and youthful twist. 

Favourite Song: “Babaganoush

Honourable Mention: “Marea” 

Arijit Singh — India

Arijit Singh started his career by starring in a reality show in 2005, but did not get recognition until he released two songs in 2013. In 2020 and 2021 he was named Spotify’s most streamed artist. Though he sings mostly in Hindu or Bengali, he has recorded in a multitude of Indian languages. He’s also started an NGO called “Let There Be Light” which works with those below the poverty line. His songs are full of rhythm and his smooth voice transports you into the lyrics of whatever song he sings. 

Favourite Song: “Aaj Se Teri

Honourable Mention: “Laal Ishq”

Giulia Vilardi is Co-Campus Correspondent for Her Campus at UWindsor. She oversees all HC UWindsor teams and content. She is also responsible for writing and editing articles, as well as posting to HC UWindsor Instagram and TikTok. Giulia primarily writes lifestyle articles relating to campus life, being a woman and STEM, and cool local spots. Beyond Her Campus, Giulia is a Senior in the Behaviour, Cognition, and Neuroscience program at UWindsor. She spends most of her time working as Assistant Director of Communications for a research lab on campus. She is Co-President of SMArt (a UWindsor club for scientists who love art) where she helps provide artistic services to the science community at UWindsor. Giulia is an avid reader and enjoys creating art of all kinds in her free time. She can't get through the day without AT LEAST 3 cups of coffee. She loves listening to music and is always looking for new music recs!