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Trader Joe\'S Reusable Bag
Trader Joe\'S Reusable Bag
Jocelyn Hsu / Spoon

Four Ways to Make Easy Sustainable Changes

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWindsor chapter.


Environmental awareness has become a popular topic in the media lately, as it should. People across the world are pushing to change the way we treat our earth and are making big strides. Countries are taking on the single plastic ban, and plant-based food is becoming widely popular across grocery stores.. However, for the individual it can be pretty overwhelming about which contributions they can make. Obviously, switching from plastic straws to a better alternative is the most popular first step, but here are some other, affordable ways to be more environmentally conscious.


1. Dryer Balls for Your Laundry

I bet you don’t think about those pesky little dryer sheets that you throw in with your clothes, but they can take over 40 years to decompose in a landfill. Dryer balls are the perfect substitute. They not only reduce waste but also drying time for your clothes. Plus, a pair of them can last for over ten years which puts a little money in your wallet the next time you would have needed to buy some more dryer sheets. I found a set of two for $4.99 at Winners, but they can also be bought for under $15.00 on Amazon (click here to get the product)


2. Bamboo Utensils

The “To-Go Ware” set is a product that I’ll personally advocate for. The set comes with a spoon, knife, fork, and pair of chopsticks that all come in a neatly packed case for your carrying convenience. I bring my set everywhere and it’s reduced my use of cheap plastic utensils completely!   You can order your own set on Amazon for $12.57 (click here to get the product


3. Silicone Snack Bags

Like the dryer balls, silicone zip bags are a small investment that will actually save you money in the long run. The set I got is dishwasher and microwave safe, that comes with varying sizes for all your snacking needs. It also helps to reduce the bulkiness that Tupperware containers cause in your lunch bag! I’ve found differing brands of silicone bags at Walmart and Winners as well as on Amazon, so you can find a unique set that matches your aesthetic, and make packing a lunch all the more fun. (click here to get the product


4. Beeswax wraps

I’ve replaced all cling wrap and tinfoil with beeswax wraps, and I couldn’t be more in love with a product. You can get a whole bunch of wraps in the cutest designs that make meal prepping way better than it sounds. If you’re looking to support locally, BeeKeeper Reusable Food Wraps are made in Windsor and can be found at a few stores across Windsor and Essex county, but there are a ton of other amazing companies to choose from when you’re making the switch, so feel free to do some research and find the right choice for you! (click here for BeeKeeper Food Wraps website)


While there are plenty of other ways for you to be more environmentally sustainable, these are just four simple ways that I found were super easy to incorporate into my lifestyle and can be great jumping points for you to get your feet wet in a more eco-friendly lifestyle!

Kennedi Awram

UWindsor '20

Kennedi Awram is a fourth-year undergraduate student in English and Creative Writing. She's an avid marvel comic fan and enjoys cooking, reading, and writing in her free time. Since she is currently learning the German language, she hopes to study abroad in Germany after graduating from the University of Windsor.