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5 Must See TED Talks

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWindsor chapter.

TED Talks are videos that share “ideas worth spreading”, are very informative, and are a great source of information! Watching and sharing these types of educational videos are a great way to, not only learn new things, but also foster an open mind, stir emotion, and change perspectives. Here are 5 ideas that resinated with me overtime! 


1) Oliver Sacks- What hallucination reveals about our minds

Oliver Sacks was a famous neurologist with many publications and contributions to the scientific community. I came across this TalkTalk a few years ago and had to watch it! My favourite part was hearing about a patient’s hallucination and his scientific explanation about it blew my mind. I don’t want to give away too much information, so watch for more details!



2) Shonda Rhimes- My year of saying yes to everything

This video centres around a mother’s struggle with finding a work-life balance. Between her demanding career and busy home life with her children she decides to try new things to meet her own needs of comfort. At times you when you feel burnt out or disconnected from your passions, this video is the one for you to watch! It can give you a new outlook on the importance of taking a break and can reconnect you to the reason why you chose your career path. Alas, you too can hear the hum again.



3) Celeste Headlee10 ways to have a better conversation

This video is a great tool as the techniques mentioned can be applied in everyday conversations as well as toward building counselling skills.



4) Amy Cuddy- Your body language shapes who you are

I love learning about body language. After watching this video and others related videos on body language, I am more cautious of the way I present myself. Non-verbal behaviours convey who we are and our actions can shape our thoughts. This video was very popular, so have a watch and see how your body language can help you feel more confident in times of stress!



5) Jim Fallon-Exploring the mind of a killer

Who here is guilty of watching forensic related videos or shows?? Well, I definitely am! I love how forensics incorporates multiple academic disciplines, such as psychology and biology – and more! In this video, the university professor explores the biology of psychopathy so take a look at this short clip for more insight!



Melissa is a Social Work and Psychology student at the University of Windsor and just recently joined Her Campus! She describes herself as an empath, future thinker, and coffee connoisseur. Melissa enjoys staying up-to-date on the latest beauty trends, writing for Her Campus, hanging out with family and friends, and spending time with her Maltese Shih Tzu puppy. Contact: ristovsm@uwindsor.ca