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30 things you could do instead of studying

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWindsor chapter.

All students are familiar with the art of procrastination. When you need to study or get a paper done all you can think about is doing anything but. Here are 30 things that people do instead of studying *Disclaimer: I am not encouraging you to not study or do any of these things in this article instead of studying.

1. Netflix- because what would you rather do, catch up on your favourite show or study for your biology exam the next morning?

2. Sleep- Sleep’s important too, you know.

3. Eat- Well you do need to eat to live, and yes going out for sushi is a very important part of life.

4. Go on Facebook- How important are grades if you don’t even know what’s going on in the world?

5. Go for a walk- How can you let a perfect day go to waste?

6. Bake cupcakes- Baking is a great way to de-stress. 

7. Cuddle with a pet- An even better de-stressing method.

8. Download music- How can you study without new music?

9. Take a nice long bath, bath bombs are a must- you have to stay clean right?

10. Make some coffee- How can you stay up studying without your coffee?

11. Clean your room- you can’t study in a messy room.

12. Do your hair and makeup- Gotta look flawless.

13. Update Twitter- because your followers need to know how you’re procrastinating studying.

14. Update Instagram- because you look too flawless not to.

15. Make Kraft Dinner- You might be hungry again.

16. Think about how much you should be studying- Because you should be, go study now!

17. Go buy some fish- they can keep you company.

18. Look for jobs- You need a backup plan if you can’t graduate because you fail this exam

19. Take your dog for a walk- they need exercise.

20. Take your cat for a walk- they might feel left out if you took the dog.

21. Take your fish for a walk- because why not?

22. Work out- Staying in shape is super important. 

23. Text your friends- They need to know how much you hate studying, and then talk about your lives for at least 2 hours.

24. Watch a three hour documentary of your choice- That stuff is important and life changing.

25. Cry.

26. Bake a cake, a pie, some cookies, anything would work really- You deserve it for procrastinating so long.

27. Study some maps- You need a vacation

28. Look up flight and train prices- You have to get to where you decided to go.

29. Pack a bag- You’re so done with school.

30. Leave- you can’t handle the stress of studying any longer. 

Hi everyone, my name is Sadie and I am a third year student studying Sociology. My hobbies include reading, writing, horseback riding, and eating sushi with friends.
Bryanna Millben

Laurier Brantford '20

Hi! I'm a fourth-year at Wilfrid Laurier University working towards a BA in English with a minor in History, and the Campus Correspondent/President for HC Laurier Brantford. I have a super sweet golden retriever named Marley, and aspire to work in Public Relations.