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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWindsor chapter.

With exam season coming up, it’s easy to overlook breakfast as you rush out the doors for a day packed with errands and studying. These 3 quick and easy recipes will inspire you to get a quick bite of the most important meal of the day to help you power through the finish line!

1. Raspberry Peanut Butter Overnight Oats

a. Ingredients

                                            i. 1 cup raspberries

                                          ii. ½ cup 2% milk

                                         iii. 1 tbsp peanut butter (or a nut butter alternative)

                                         iv. ½ cup dry oats (uncooked)

                                           v. Dash of cinnamon

b. Combine all of the ingredients above and top with milk! Feel free to substitute dairy with vegan options such as soy or almond milk. Store in a mason jar or airtight container for a quick take-away in the mornings.

c. Enjoy!

2. Salty Apple Cookies

a. Ingredients

                                            i. 1 apple (medium)

                                          ii. 2 tbsp peanut butter (or a nut butter alternative)

                                         iii. 1/8 cup nuts

                                         iv. 1/8 cup sunflower seeds

b. Slice the apple into two halves and take out the seeds.

c. Spread the peanut butter onto the apple and top it with nuts and seeds.

d. Enjoy!

3. Broccoli Frittata

a. Ingredients

                                            i. 2 large eggs

                                          ii. ½ cup broccoli

                                         iii. 1/3 cup shredded cheese (of your liking)

                                         iv. ½ yellow onion

                                           v. Dash of salt

b. Lightly grease a pan with oil and add in your chopped veggies.

c. Stir-fry the veggies for 5 minutes.

d. Crack the eggs into a bowl and whisk them and then add in cheese and seasonings.

e. Grease an oven-safe pan and combine the veggies and eggs in the pan.

f.  Add cheese on the top.

g. Bake in a toaster oven until the eggs have cooked through.

h. Enjoy!

I hope some of these recipes inspire you to have some fun with your breakfast! Feel free to explore more recipes and share some of your favourites with us at hc.uwindsor@hercampus.com!

Gauri Kumar

UWindsor '24

Gauri Kumar is a Registered Nurse and a graduate of the BScN Honours Class of 2024 at UWindsor. She is currently pursuing her MScN at UWindsor with a merit-based Ontario Graduate Scholarship and Masters Entrance Scholarship with a passion for leadership, management, advocacy and healthcare. She enjoys taking on challenges and opportunities to learn & grow and enjoys travelling with family!