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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWG chapter.

All plus size women know what it’s like to see a really cute outfit and be so excited to try it on, only to find out that it doesn’t fit and runs four sizes too small. All plus size women know what it’s like to feel like your man may prefer a skinnier woman. You know what it’s like to feel as if others are looking at you or mentally giving you eating advice. It is important to view yourself in the way you want others to view you, however; it’s easier said than done. Here are a few steps to allowing yourself have the body positivity you deserve.

Photo by Abigail Smith

Step 1: Know Your Worth.

Find the things you love most about yourself. It could be your butt, hair or amazing eyes. Try to focus on complimenting yourself on those things most. It could also mean rocking that sexy red dress that you know you look amazing in. Look at yourself in the mirror daily and tell yourself only positive things. Sometimes, you may not always feel comfortable in what you wear or what you do but putting yourself out there is the best way to overcome those negative thoughts. Your body is not the only thing that matters. Your personality shines brighter than anything else. Confidence is beautiful. Do not allow yourself to think that the cute boy looking at you is not interested because of your size.

Step 2: Trying New Things.

Trying new things causes you to get out of your comfort zone. Talking to new people can help you see how appealing your personality is. Try outfits or colors that are unique and wear them confidently. Allow yourself to let loose and do not let your insecurities get in the way of living life.

Photo by Abigail Smith

Step 3: Get Support.

Surround yourself with women that will pick you up when you’re feeling down. It is hard not to compare yourself to your friends when going out in public, however; have friends that will include you and make you feel equally important. The right friends can make or break your self-esteem. It is important not to put your worth in other people but if your friends speak positivity around you (and not just about your body), then you are more likely to speak and think more positively. No girl is one hundred percent confident with themselves so remember this when you’re around other women you feel are better than you. You are a unique and beautiful individual.

Step 4: Exercise For Yourself.

Exercising does not have to be limited to losing weight. Exercising gives you more energy and tends to put your mind in the right place. Working out helps you release frustrations. Opening yourself to new things such as the gym can help you with setting your goals. Make sure you’re only exercising for yourself and not for others. 

I am a freshman at the University of West Georgia. I am an outgoing person but love to cuddle up and read a book and watch Netflix. I enjoy spending time with friends and trying new things. I love animals, coffee, football, and writing. I love to watch horror movies and chick flicks. I am a musician so I love to write about music and movies. I am an open minded person and love learning about different cultures.