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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWG chapter.

Graduation is right around the corner and, as seniors, we are exhausting all of our resources and minds to try and push through this last month. As a senior, the finish line is on my mind. It gets harder every day to keep up the energy and motivation to keep working on anything.

Many tears has been shed over the course of a month leading up into April. It is no small feat to reach graduation. You may miss an assignment here or there or fail that second exam college life becomes even more challenging at this last stretch. I am here to let you know that you are not alone.

Many University seniors are struggling trying to get over the “horse” or last stretch. We, as seniors, have to constantly remind ourselves that every day has a night. That is something that my mother has told me and has stuck with me. Also, the fact that I am going to have a bomb career and make a ton of money.

Photo by Baim Hanif on Unsplash

Remind yourself that you are never alone! Believe it or not there are many people beside you that are encouraging you along this hard journey. It is a great feeling to have someone on your team. They are the people you can greet at the finish line and can clap you on the back and say well done!

It may be hard , but it is all going to be worth it in the end. No matter the tears, struggles, long nights, arguments, failures you will be able to walk across that stage and state YOU DID IT! Because you are going to make it past the finish line, good luck and congratulations!

I am senior Mass Communications Major, who has a passion to change the world one woman at a time. I grew up in a diverse family that has allowed me to be very open-minded when approaching situations. I love anything chocolate without nuts. Furthermore, my fav snack are cookie dough bites. I am pretty much an open book when it comes to conversation. If you ever get a chance to talk to me I'd probably talk your ear off.