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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWG chapter.

Hey HC girlies! Hopefully we are all caught up on Euphoria season two. The season finale is approaching so this is the perfect time to discuss an important topic. Cassie has shown that she has little to no regard for anyone other than herself. Her actions toward her best friend, Maddy, proves that there is something deeper for us to consider about her character. 

Everyone is throwing tomatoes at Cassie’s character but do not realize that they may possess some of the same traits. Maybe not sleeping with your best friend’s boyfriend, but simply not loving yourself to a full capacity. The journey to self love is not linear. When some people feel down, they try to reinvent themselves just as Cassie did. Granted, some may not wake up at four in the morning everyday but it is along the same lines. We might see a new beauty trend on social media and try to copy it because we feel like that is what makes us acceptable. As women, we tend to shy away from the idea that we copy other people because we are unhappy with ourselves. You might say it has never been you but in one way or another, we have compared ourselves to someone else before. Now, how do we fix this issue? Being able to heal yourself of toxic ways of thinking and twisted societal norms is not easy. 

Create a healthy relationship between yourself and other women. Do not see other women as your competition but your inspiration. There are qualities and attributes that we all have that can be used as fuel for inspiration. We all have something to learn from one another. As women in a societal climate that isn’t the best due to the age of social media, it is up to us to spin the narrative. 

Know your worth. Someone’s lack of reciprocation is not the lack of your worth. You are a gem and you have to go where you are going to be loved and appreciated. Staying in spaces where you are not valued is destructive to your confidence. You start to feel like you have to appeal to that person when in reality, they are going through a self love crisis as well. Put yourself first. 

Stay single. Do not jump into a situationship that will leave you feeling empty. Don’t give everyone your energy when they don’t deserve it. Instead, pour into yourself. Get to know yourself. When you are sure of yourself, no one can convince you that you aren’t a dime. 

Overall, be kind to yourself. No one is perfect so we shouldn’t act like we are. Cassie is currently experiencing a downward spiral of not knowing herself. She let situations change and damage her when she should be seeking help to heal herself. This is not to judge her character but to use her character to send a bigger message to young women. Do you think Cassie can come back from the mistakes she has made?

My name is Amari Morrison. I am currently an English major at the University of West Georgia. I plan on getting my certificate in publishing & editing and eventually a best-selling author.