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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWG chapter.

Atlanta is where the players play and attend expos filled with commonality, competition, prize money and so much free swag. Spending an entire weekend at a video game expo is not traditionally how most college students would spend the beginning of their Thanksgiving break, especially if you’re a woman. Being a woman in the gaming community is a lot harder than people would think. You constantly have to prove yourself to the many other gamers (who are men) that you can “hang.” Well, I got my chance to “hang with the big boys” this past Thanksgiving weekend that opened by eyes even further into the technological world of video games.

There is so much that goes into a video game that I had not realized until Dreamhack Atlanta 2018. Going into the expo, I had an inkling about eSports but I never knew how big what it meant to serious gamers.

Photo by Boshicu Page

It was an inspiration to go and see the game creators, meet some streamers, play some free games, and most importantly, receive lots of FREE SWAG! The tension was high because lady gamers aren’t really accepted or taken seriously in this world. With that being said, it was still a great experience that was fulfilling to see where women there were so invested in gaming and by the technology presented at the expo. Many of the women there were so knowledgeable about the different technological advances that were happening in the gaming industry. As women, we are subjected to conform into a specific category that has become the social norm. We have to keep branching out and become so much more than what society wishes to see from us. If you are interested in science, technology or anything else that has been deemed a “man’s field,” I hope you go for it and show them that you can do anything you want but better. LIKE A BOSS!

Photo by Vana Ash on Unsplash

I am senior Mass Communications Major, who has a passion to change the world one woman at a time. I grew up in a diverse family that has allowed me to be very open-minded when approaching situations. I love anything chocolate without nuts. Furthermore, my fav snack are cookie dough bites. I am pretty much an open book when it comes to conversation. If you ever get a chance to talk to me I'd probably talk your ear off.