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An Open Letter to the High School Best Friend I Outgrew

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWF chapter.

Dear Friend,

After high school, we each went our separate ways. We tried to stay in touch, get together when we were in town, but the bottom line is sometimes it just didn’t work out. The more time we spent apart and the less we talked, the more we grew independent of one another. We grew into different people, had different life experiences and surrounded ourselves with different crowds. We outgrew each other.

High school was where I always thought I would live my best life, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. After being in college for three years now, I realize that high school was simply a stepping stone that I do not miss. Even now, it’s hard for me to step foot back in those hallways because I know that I don’t belong there anymore. What I’m trying to say is that I didn’t just grow apart from you, I grew apart from everything that was my life then. The people, the memories, the scenery and yes, even you.

I thought your kids would call me “Aunt” one day, but now I see that life had other plans for us and that’s okay. We were never meant to be “Besties for the Resties,” but I’m so glad I got the chance to be your friend for a little while. We learned from each other. We grew together. But now, it’s time for us to be who we are truly meant to be in this life. We have grown into two very different and beautiful people and I couldn’t be prouder of us.

“Some friends come into your life for a reason, others come only for a season.” Although our season in each other’s lives are over, I’m still quietly cheering you on. You were a part of my life in a time when I needed someone the most and I will always be thankful for that. Our memories from football games, dances, prom and all of our late-night jam sessions will never be forgotten. I want you to know that I love you and that I want the absolute best for you in life. You will forever hold a place in my heart.


Your Old Friend.

Cover photo vis Staging Diva

I am an Exercise Science Major at the University of West Florida. I am also the Events Director for Her Campus UWF. I enjoy being outdoors, going to the beach, and doing anything that doesn't involve Biology Homework. I am very passionate about empowering women and want to do whatever I can to make women feel the best about themselves. My goal in life is to be an example to others by shining my own light in an otherwise dark world.