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6 Ways to Feel Like You Have Your Life Together

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWF chapter.

We’re all just pseudo-adults trying to convince the world (and ourselves) that we’ve got our stuff together. It may seem tricky, but there are some easy ways to get the ball rolling along the path to adulting.

1. Make your bed

You can start the day with an accomplishment if you take the time to make your bed. Whether that means simply pulling your comforter back over your pillow or adorning a perfectly creased set of sheets with a plethora of decorative pillows, you will set yourself up for success. Your room will instantly appear more tidy and a sense of pride may even sneak into your system. An added bonus comes when you return home from an unproductive day and can tell yourself that you at least did something right this morning.

2. Eat breakfast

I don’t care if it’s a full pancake breakfast or a poptart. This is important. Eat a little something in the morning to get your body ready for the day and stave off the afternoon hangriness for a bit longer. We all know some good food can set the trend for the whole day. Give yourself the time to eat and you will undoubtedly glide through the day, at least until snack time. 

3. Match your socks

As silly as it may sound, this is a game-changer. We can all admit that we feel like a total boss when our bra matches our underwear. That pleasurable synchronicity can apply to other things too! When you are folding your laundry (which will also make you feel like a fully functioning adult), match up your socks and keep them together. You’ll save time and impress all your friend when you fling off your boots at the next girls night in. 

4. Buy a watch

I would love to tell you that time is a societal construct that only means what you want it to, but, even still, we are all slaves to it. Checking your phone for the time can seem unprofessional. Getting a watch gives you the opportunity to keep on a schedule while showcasing your unique style in a classy, professional way. Walking quickly while periodically glancing at a watch is also a great way to discourage people from talking to you.

5. Create a budget

Money is tight, so you better believe I care where my money is going. Creating a budget will help cut down on those end-of-the-month blues when your pay checks have dried up. Meticulously planning how to use every dollar might not be your style, but even establishing broad categories of spending and saving can open your eyes to where your money is going. While it might not save your bank account, it will feel good to tell your parents that you are budgeting. Sure, they will probably still judge your financial choices, but that comes with the territory. After all, what’s more adult than fretting about money while spending $5 on a latte?

6. Get a planner

Having a planner, and actually using it, will simplify your life in ways you can’t even imagine. Write down what needs to be done, and experience the euphoria that comes when you cross off each completed objective. Your professional and academic lives will benefit infallibly when you start writing down due dates, meeting times and other obligations. Include the fun stuff, too! Dinner with the girls Friday at 7? In the planner it goes. Scheduled alone time to indulge in existential dread? Ah yes, here it is penciled in for this evening. 


I'm a pop-punk-blaring, pizza-chomping, puppy-loving, true crime enthusiast.
Abigail is a Journalism and Political Science major minoring in Spanish. She has a penchant for puns and can't go a morning without listening to NPR's Up First podcast. You can usually find her dedicating time to class work, Her Campus, College to Congress, SGA or hammocking. Her dream job is working as a television broadcast journalist on a major news network. Down time includes TED talk binges, reading and writing. You can follow Abigail on instagram and Twitter @abi_meggs