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5 Things I’ve Learned as a Freshman

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWF chapter.

College isn’t always what we expect it to be when we first arrive. From thinking you are going to need to dress up every day like you did in highschool to learning that free laundrey was an amenity you never fully appreciated at home. Since I’ve started college in August, here are five things I’ve learned.

1. What happens at college, can stay at college.

Like me, some of us are coming from conservative homes and that means that we haven’t been exposed to what a college experience can be like. But, just because your curfew was 9 p.m. at home, doesn’t mean that it is now. Make spontaneous road trips with your friends, go to waffle house at 3 a.m. in the morning, or go to a party once in a while. We are responsible for our own choices now. Have fun and know your limits.

2. You don’t have to look nice, no one has time for that.

You can tell which girls are freshmen sometimes just by what they wear the first week of school. One thing you need to learn quickly is that there will be mornings where you wake up ten minutes before your class starts and you don’t have time to put makeup on. Instead, throw on an oversized t-shirt with some shorts and head out the door.

3. Everyone is broke, not just you.

At college, no one has money. If you are worried about keeping up with your friends, don’t. They probably don’t have money either. Dollar menus and nautilus market dates are the way to go.

4. You can make friends with new and different people.

In high school, we had our cliques, but in college we turn into little fish in a big pond. There are more groups in college to explore, just because someone is different than you doesn’t mean that you couldn’t turn out to be the best of friends. You’re in the same boat as so many other girls, so go out and make those friendships and connections.

5. It’s good to step outside of your comfort zone.

College is a whole new world. It’s your chance to start over and become the you that you want to be. If you want a new style, go for it girl! If you want to join five different student orgs, don’t let anything stop you. This new environment is about finding yourself, do not be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone and find out who you are.


Abigail is a Journalism and Political Science major minoring in Spanish. She has a penchant for puns and can't go a morning without listening to NPR's Up First podcast. You can usually find her dedicating time to class work, Her Campus, College to Congress, SGA or hammocking. Her dream job is working as a television broadcast journalist on a major news network. Down time includes TED talk binges, reading and writing. You can follow Abigail on instagram and Twitter @abi_meggs